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  Hello Friends

 I hope you will indulge me in allowing me to post the next part of  Andy and Jane s first Adventure in Paris.

Here is a link back to the first part 


For those of you missing art this week, I will return with new pieces very soon, Easter is coming so expect the return of the sweetest of bunnies,  plus a new page in our calendar,

But for now. Welcome to Paris


In Paris: Part 2

     “Thank you so much for this” Andy said, suddenly sounding very serious.

    “You are welcome darling”,  Jane replied, cuddling her nephew close to her chest.

As ever after a long day of adventures the pair were on Andy's hotel bed, the sweet young man drawn back into his beloved Aunt's body as he sat between her long long legs. Jane called it, with only a little silent naughtiness, her nest and  it was where the pair often had their most loving and fun and personal conversations. He, resting back against her full bosom, wrapped safely in her arms, whilst those long long legs kept him happily imprisoned and secure.

Today though was possibly the naughtiest Jane had been in this position, because she had drifted into Andy’s room in just her silk satin robe and fine underwear. Swinging her catwalk legs around him she had leapt, cat-like, onto the bed drawing him back in one movement until his pyjama clad body, slim and smooth was in her gentle grip. Indeed whether Jane realised, or not, but at that moment there was but a whisper of the finest silk between her delicate sex and the young man she adored,but it was all they needed.

  “No Auntie, I mean…….for everything…for for being so amazing….I ….I really love you”

Jane paused for a moment, she realised Andy was suddenly very deep within himself, his words genuine and honest. His use of the word Really, was a tell as to his genuine deep honesty. She smiled and squeezed him closer, stroking his cheek with one immaculately polished fingertip.

 “Awww my adorable boy, thank you, you are so sweet and  I really love you too I think we make the perfect pair darling, being with you is what makes me happiest in the whole world”

  Andy bowed his head, she could feel his body flushed with warmth, perhaps his words had been unexpected even to him and he had embarrassed himself, but there was no reason to feel so. It was genuine and loving.

 She looked down to where his hands, soft and young rested on her exposed knees, they just sat there, slightly stroking, not caressing but thoughtless and unconscious in their delicate movement. It was a touch that Jane would admit to herself, did send tingles of delight through her body. She was after all a woman, a still very sensual and sexual woman and the touch of a young man raised her heart beat as it would in anyone. However that tingle was little compared to the flittering she felt when imagining those long slim fingers, with slick and polished fingernails, how beautiful those hands would be…..how beautiful those hands will be.

  She snuggled him in and with a gentle touch took up his hands in hers, turning them back and forth in hers. 

   Her heart was fluttering. The moment had come.

“Such pretty hands”, she said softly and they were, there was no doubting that, slim and delicate, these were not the hands of a potential bricklayer, no these were artists hands, feminine hands.

“Thank you”, Andy said looking back at the ballet of movements Jane was performing with his hands. “Yours are prettier, I love that colour”

  Jane glowed, it was not uncommon for him to compliment her on such details, she was so attentive, but her at that moment it was a sign.

 “Aww thank you sweetheart, that’s nice of you, It's called Rouge 999, by Dior and what are the rules?”

Andy paused, his Aunt’s question seeming to make no sense, but then a wiggle at the bottom of the bed, a tap tapping on his foot and he remembered.

“Fingers and toe must always be painted, never forget your toes”

Jane smiled. “That's right and what else do we match to our nails?”


   “Correct”,She gave him another squeeze, both giggling with fun. “Very good. All that sitting and watching me do my makeup has sunk in, you really get it. You know Andrew, I think we should both get our nails done tomorrow”.

    “Both?” Andy said 

     “Yes, it will be fun, do you remember when we played dress up, I did your makeup but we never did nails, so really we were breaking the rules”. 

A look of uncertainty flickered across his face, Jane recognised to pause in the conversation.

  “Don’t worry darling, lots of men and boys have manicures in France, it’s part of a well groomed person. Go on, it will be fun”

The deal was sealed with a naughty kiss on his slim neck.

   The salon was not busy, or rather it was busy, but being calm and perfectly atmosphered it seemed quiet.

  As they waited by the reception, Jane squeezed Andy's hand, the poor boy had been nervous when Jane had reminded him of their adventure today. He had again questioned whether he really needed his nails done, but any reluctance was washed away by Jane's smile and effortlessly reassuring words. 

   In truth he was under her spell and though he might show reluctance he could not honestly deny her any wish she asked.

   Jane took a breath, the woman, perhaps mid 20s, who now approached was quite frankly stunning, with softly waved brown hair, to just below her shoulder and deep brown eyes, she had the face that would grace any high end magazine and the figure, dressed in a pure white mini dress, closed about her curves by uniform like buttons, of  catwalk model. For a moment Jane was struck dumb, whilst  away from the vision of anyone close by her body tingled. It had been some time since that side of her happy Bisexuality had come out, but at that moment  under the heat of this young woman's atom bomb smile she was once again an awkward teenager lost for words.

   “Aunt Jane?” Andy prompted squeezing her hand, waking her from her reverie. Adding in his best/worst comprehensive school French “Pardon Madame je ne parle pas français”

   The woman smiled and still Jane remained dumb “That is fine and very well done”, she said, her voice soft and richly accented, “ I am happy to speak English. How may we help you”.

  There was a pause, It was as if Jane was rebooting, but then and much to Andy’s relief, she re-entered the room.

   “I do apologise. Good morning, I booked a manicure for two, Jane Fullerton-Jones”

Andy smiled, that was typical of his Aunt Jane, never once had he known her use her title unless it was to impress on someone the error of their ways, then and only then did it seem she was Lady Fullerton-Jones, but to all others, she was just Jane.

  The young brunette checked the screen, nodding and smiling. “Yes , please come this way”.

   Now once again Jane felt her body tingle. The woman's legs, in their gleaming matching white heels, were impossibly long and she could not help being envious of the young man for whom they presented a gateway to undeniable delights. ‘Hmmm’, she thought as they followed their beautiful guide through the salon to where twin seats awaited, ‘I bet she can even wear those heels all day and not feel the slightest pinch’. 

She sighed.   

  The seats, which sat before the well illuminated square mirrors, had clearly been prepared for them, matching retractable tables and lights, were arranged and all was prepared in waiting. Including two trim and pretty assistance, both as the former in pure white.

     “Madame, this is Adrienne and Esther. Adrienne will be attending to your companion and Esther to you Madame”

  With a polite “Please” from the young women the pair sat, the soft red leather of the seat instantly squeaking softly against that of Jane's tight leather pants as she settled back.

  Immediately she could see her nephew's discomfort, half perched on the deep seat as he was, his eyes darted over the collections of fine tools and bottles of clear liquids and oils that filled the tables about him.

   “Sit back darling”, she purred, “Don’t worry there is nothing to be scared of, just sit back and let the girls do their thing”. 

  With a soft Okay, he obeyed.       

 Now the three assistants exchanged words in French, Jane, a native speaker, smiled ,especially when all complimented her on her beauty and legs. Then with a smile the brunette turned on her heels and moved away.

  For a second or two Jane watched her perfect silhouette gracefully vanish from the mirror before settling back, greeting the pretty blonde seated at her side and closing her eyes, she loved having a manicure.

   However it was but a moment or two later that she heard the stunning Brunette's sweet feminine voice  close by and the girl at her side, with an apology rose.

  Jane now looked across to where her nephew sat, near ridged in his seat, the pretty Adrienne busily beginning to file and shape his nails. She smiled, he looked so sweet.

However seconds later, she was once more aware of the Brunettes elegant perfume and to her utter surprise found her taking the seat vacated by Esther.

  “Pardon Madame”, The young woman said, ”but a client has specifically requested the skills of Esher, I do hope you will allow me to assist you. My name is Sylvie”

  “Um”......Um It was not an utterance Jane ever used, it was reserved for the nervous and unsure, neither of which were words ever usually attributed to Jane Fullerton-Jones, but at that moment, Um was all she could say.


  “Oh yes, sorry, do forgive me, um….yes yes of course I am happy for you to continue. Thank you Sylvie”

  The Brunette smiled

Jane melted. She had not had to use the young woman's name, but in that moment she just wanted to feel it on her tongue, to taste the word, to drink it down. 

  It was  as if this girl innocently radiated everything to which Jane had no defence, her last female lover had been French, but that had been some years ago and now as she sat, the elegant brunette busy at her fingertips, she began to feel leather, tightly smoothed across her sex, begin to moisten.

    As the girl worked, removing all the colour from her nails, an enforced silence then broke out, Enforced because it was all Jane could do, to close her eyes and connect her thoughts to other things, desperate to blank out the delicate soft touch of the girl at her side. Jane adored having a manicure, but this…this was hell.

Time passed


 It took a few moments for  the word, formed as a question to register through the buzz in Jane’s head. 

  “Madame's trousers”

  “Um”...again Um. “Um Yes. They are” 

   “They are very beautiful, such a good fit and shine”

  Jane smiled, my god was that all she could manage?

“Thank you”

 “I should like to get into them”

  Jane jumped at the words, but instantly the girl corrected herself.

“Pardon no, I should like to wear a pair, Pardon Madame” 

 “Not at all” Jane replied “It was an easy mistake, the slip of a foreign tongue…….”. Jane winced at her choice of words, her increasing unease not helped by the erotic feeling of her hands being massaged with cream.

 She looked across to her nephew, who now seemed more relaxed, his attendant, the pretty blonde Adrienne, delicately shaping his nails. “An…Andy darling how are you doing?” she asked, her voice a slight tremble. “Are you Ok ?”,   

  “Yes thank you Auntie, it’s quite alright really”.

“Trois minutes”, Adrienne said, her words repeated in reply by  Sylie.

“Three Minutes Madame and then we will chose colour”

Jane nodded, now the sensual sensation of the girl's touch was pushed to the background by what would be a very special moment in Andy’s journey.

  She took a breath.

It was to the second that both women sat back.


Again a word as a question, but this time Jane had the answer.

  “Rouge 999”

   “Excellent and for your companion?”

  Jane took a breath. Her heart fluttering slightly “Rouge 999”

Instantly Jane felt her nephews unease return and as the fine bottles of classic Dior red were placed on the tables. In one word Andy breathed his confusion.


Jane turned her head and smiled. “It’s alright darling, trust me, there is nowhere better to begin than in Dior”


  “Shhh sweetheart, it’s Ok”

  She did the best she could not to envisage the look of confusion on her nephews face as his now  sweetly shaped nails were painted and glossed in the most iconic of colours, but from where she sat, she could see his posture tense, his eyes locked on each skilful stoke of that thin red slicked brush.

  However in truth, it was less confusion and more realisation that made the young man tense, he was silly and young and totally beguiled by his Aunt Jane, but as he watched his nails transform, he glanced up into the mirror. He knew there were rules, the rules Jane had reiterated the evening before. His stomach fluttered, but not in horror or fear but in …..he could not place what the feeling was, he did not question it, for as his eyes met his own, he understood his Aunts intentions.. Nails and Lips must always match. He was going to be made up.

 Another flutter in his stomach…..it was exciting.

  It took but a few minutes, the girls were skilled and in no time the LED dryers had been angled into place.

  A second coat was applied, again dried within seconds by the blue glow of the lamps.

  Now it was done and Andy looked in disbelief at his fingers, the nails, now sweetly shaped and glossed, looked ultra feminine. 

Looking across to her beloved companion, Jane straightened.

“May we have a minute”.

The two women smiled and stepped away as Jane rose and took the seat beside her nephew.

“Same colour”, Jane said Wiggling her elegant fingers playfully

 “Auntie I can’t have red nails”. 

 “Yes you can sweetheart, It’s just us two, it’s fun, Just for me, just for silly Aunt Jane as a treat.”

  Andy looked at his hand in hers, they had been hand in hand so many times, but now, now it was ……. Now they weren’t his hands, they were those of a girl. He sighed, it was just them, just fun, just silly fun Aunt Jane being silly. “No, Auntie, I mean I can't just have red nails….can I, there are Rules”

  Now it was  Jane who was caught off guard and she instantly realised her nephew was ahead of her.

   “Am I…..”, Andy paused, took a breath, stroked his Aunt's hand with a thoughtful gloss fingertip. “Am I having makeup put on Auntie?”

  Jane smiled, and squeezed his hand, he looked up into her eyes, they glowed with love and pride.

“Do you mind?”

 Heck it was a big question posed in only 3 words. He paused and considered, he nibbled his lip in his usual sweetly nervous way. Finally he blew a deep calming breath and glanced up at her warm face. “For you Auntie…..I do not”

  Jane trembled, her eyes sparkled and drawing close placed her lips to his, Not in the corner of his lips, not the special secret kiss, but softly onto his lips, taking the young man's breath away.

 “Oh Andy, I promise you, we will have so much fun together” 



A lovely story. I love the hidden tension between the different participants. It's not often that we find Aunt Jane discomfited but Sylvie has touched a nerve. We can only hope for Jane's sake that she gets to touch rather more. Sylvie may feel jealous about the way Jane has just kissed her companion, but she doesn't need to worry about Andy feeling jealous: he understands that his Aunt has needs. For once Andy is a few steps ahead of his Aunt, not just in wanting to get made up for her but in detecting Sylvie's own response to his Aunt. A boy is used to working out whether a girl fancies him or one of his friends. He can tell his Aunt is smitten - he's seen that look often enough when they're together and knows exactly when she's getting moist. He's tasted that moistness often enough. He saw Jane's reaction when she first saw Sylivie, and how his Aunt responded when she returned. Andy has decided to enjoy the moment. He's still worried about what is to come. Is he really going to be walking round Paris fully made up? Probably. He holds up his hands and looks at his elegantly manicured nails. They look so good with Rouge999. It will be nice when he can hold hands with his Aunt and they both have the same nail colour. He wants to see what he looks like if he's made up like her. He's always wanted to look like her; a boy who's idolised her ever since he snuck into her bedroom and tried on a pair of her leather pants and heels. Nothing else matter if he's with his Aunt. She likes him made-up. She's not worried and she's all that matters. Adrienne smiled at him. She looked nice. She didn't seem worried by doing his nails and make-up, or by the way his Aunt had kissed him. She seemed enchanted by the gesture of affection. He could still taste Jane's lipstick. He was drunk on her aroma. Of course he'd wear make-up for her. After Jane went back to her chair, he lay back waiting for Adrienne to apply cleanser. "Mais non, monsieur, les orteils," she said. Andy looked perplexed. "Your toenails next, monsieur," clarified Sylvie speaking from the adjacent. Andy gulped. How could he have been so silly? He'd known Jane had wanted him to have his nails done. He'd said to her only last night about how toes needed to match fingers "Come on Andrew," said Jane. She was already slipping off her knee length Louboutin boots and little pop-socks. "Take off your shoes and socks." "But Auntie...." "Just take them off. We haven't got all day. I've booked some fitting appointments for later this morning and we need to be on time." "Very well, Auntie." Reluctantly Andy untied and removed his Skechers Then he stood up in his socks and started to unbuckle his trousers. "Mais monsieur! Seulement les orteils," exclaimed Adrienne. "What are you doing Andrew?" enquired Jane. "Sorry, but I need to do this Auntie," said Andy. He started to lower his trousers to reveal a pair of semi-transparent white lace panties and a white suspender belt, supporting a pair of sheer white stockings. "Ooh, la, la!" exclaimed Adrienne, as Andy continued to remove his trousers. He sat on the edge of his chair and removed his socks to to reveal his stockinged feet. Then he stood again to unclasp his suspenders , and sat to roll down and remove his stockings. "He's pretty, non? He's your boy? How you say in England, your sissy?" enquired Sylvie realising she had a rival for his Jane's affections. "Yes, he's my boy," feeling a surge of pride in how Andy looked. He didn't look embarrassed. He looked beautiful. Her beautiful boy who was soon going to look even better. "He's my girl too," she added. "Would you like to be my girl too?" she asked Sylvie whith a knowing smile.


Delicious both the chapter and SkinnieS comment. xxx

Andy Latex

Thank you my dear friend, this super extended comment is wonder and so in keeping with the story. More parts will follow with Jane getting all flustered for a change XXX