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Hello Friends

 As promised, these two tiers will feature occasional and randomly spaced rough ideas and alternative versions of my art.

This is an idea I have for a piece but as yet I have not done any more than this rough-out concept.

Who is in the Latex? well, though it features Aunt Jane,  it might not be Andy, it might simply be another poor resident of this powerful ladies home coated in Latex and transformed into a mere ornament.

Perhaps it will fire your sweet imaginations and maybe, if it goes down well and you'd like to see a little more of this, it might re-appear on my drawing board to be completed.

Many Thanks






Looks like Lady Jane has her invisibility gloves on. Is she not a Super heroine?

Andy Latex

Lol yes she is a little under powered there. That’s the joy of these rough cuts xx


Would be lovely t live and serve such beautiful feminine women in what ever capacity - as a household ornament would be an honour