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Hello Friends

Thank you for sticking around, it means a lot to me and It is so nice to be back creating again.

  First a quick update on a future Patreon treat.

I have just completed, the first part of Andy in Paris, which will tell of Andy's first trip to Paris with his Aunt Jane. I need to do a little editing, but it is all there and........it's a little naughty. I will explain at a later date.

It is funny how the head works (well not that funny, it's quite scary in fact) But after feeeling so down for some time,my head suddenly filled with ideas and fantasies, but more importantly the concentration needed to sit for hours and create them returned.

One image i had wanted to finish for some time was Andy in a real sissy dress.

I figure we are still in that week of pink punishment after Andy was spotted playing football by one of the sisterhood. (see below) but the dresses have become fuller and covered with far more ribbons and frills that he has ever known before.

Its nice to see William Bear close by, but why does Andy look so nervous? who is that at the door talking to Aunt Jane? and are those footsteps we can hear on the stairs.

If you can spot them, there are some very tiny clues to who it might be.


Bless you all and thank you so much





Michyle Glen

Sounds Great Andy,

Skinnie S

A glorious return with a delightful pink candyfloss confection. Love the Gibson styled heels and Andy's double garters: ankle and thigh. Now what do they signify? Andy's biting his lip. He's clearly concerned? Have the The Sisterhood come to collect for him another day with the S Club Juniors. His opera glove mittens will ensure that he's quite secure and won't permit any silliness on his part. Or is he going to a Sisterhood party? With his name on his pinafore, what could be nicer than having a deluxe, pink sissymaid springing out of the cake? At least those mittens will ensure there's no messiness inside the cake, and all the cream is saved for later. S xxxxx

Andy Latex

Hi S, so glad you liked it, it is a frothy confection and the garters are just another piece of cute fluffiness, however it is not the sisterhood coming up those stairs. But ,in a way, they are coming to his rescue. As for Cream....you are naughty XXXXX