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Hello Friends

Well you might recognise this image, or part of it from an earlier archive post. Well I simply could not think who Andy was when he was dressed like this, the character would not come, I loved the outfit, but who was she.

Then it hit me, 

One of my Fave Damsel in Distress characters is the over inquisitive junior reporter, who is always after that big scoop to get her out of the minor tabloids and into the broad sheets.

However and of course our eager and intrepid young journalist is prone to getting in way too deep and needing rescuing from all sorts of predicaments.

This time, snooping on the greenhouses of Amazon adventurer Captain Jasper Darklighter, our Hero/Heroine is in for a very gloopy and slimy encounter 




Super cute. The intrepid reporter will have lots of fun to write about.


Camera, check, but just where is she hiding all her other paraphernalia? Note book and handy phone to call for help. Too cute to let her midriff bearing outfit get soiled. More please.

Andy Latex

Thank you you Lee, so glad you liked it. I am sure Andy has teeny tiny notebooks and things in his cute little pockets. I think the cute ace reporter might get her own series of miss-adventures XX