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 Well here we are, what can we say. Aunt Jane is looking hot in her slick pants and the builders have finally arrived to complete that garage conversion. I hope they get all their work completed because she needs.........Oh and hang on.....Heavens! Whatever .......Gosh is that poor Andy? Whatever can this be? and to whom is Aunt Jane saying "Play Nicely"




Skinnie S

Just finished another long effort that's too much (in length) for Patreon (although there is some smut innuendo - as ever). So here's the first bit as a taster and I'll leave Andy to decide the rest. Andy felt sticky inside his latex suit. It squeaked as he twisted and crawled over the bowl at the side of his cage and lapped up some water to slake his thirst. He was sure he’d messed up his make-up on the rough bedding and his lipstick while trying to drink. He went back on his mattress and pulled the blanket over him. It hadn’t been a comfortable night. The nightlight had glowed in the corner and the little radio had played rubbish music in the background at an annoyingly low volume: not loud enough to hear properly nor soft enough to be able to totally ignore. According to the radio, it was still only six in the morning. He kicked the bars of the cage although he knew it wouldn’t be heard outside of the basement. At least he knew that his Aunt wasn’t going to sleep in that morning and he’d be freed soon since Miltons were coming that morning to start on the garage conversion. He dozed and an hour went by before he heard footsteps on the stairs, or rather Fifi’s claws skitter on the polished boards followed by the more pronounced clack of his Aunt’s heels. He guessed she was still wearing her bedroom mules. The door opened and he was momentarily blinded by the light from the corridor. Fifi ran into the room and pressed his nose against the cage. A captivating vision of beauty followed the little poodle: it was Aunt Jane in a semi-transparent robe that made a vain effort to cover her nakedness except for a little pair of pink panties. She was in her platform mules with the transparent heels. She must be confident that the builders weren’t going to arrive early, he thought. “Did you have a nice evening, darling?” “No,” he replied grumpily. “I’m sorry to hear that. Fifi was no trouble at all. He slept in your basket, the one you use at the end of my bed when Chantelle comes to visit.” .... to be continued

Andy Latex

Oh my dear S, it looks as if you have written another wonderful story. I shall read the rest as soon as I can. Bless you as ever for your time and talents Xxxxx


Beautiful. Earlier the poor little pooch was restless, being too hot outside to go for walk and see her little friends, Jane cleverly had the perfect costume for Andy. They're both being told to play nicely as all of a sudden there's an audience. I imagine if Andy doesn't get the remote back from Fifi soon he'll be wagging his fluffy tail.

Andy Latex

Oh I image Andy's fluffy little tail will be all of a waggle very soon my dear Aidan. It's a good thing Jane knew how to keep her Fifi happy with a new playmate XXX