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Hello Friends

I can't believe it is the last Friday of the month again, In fact it nearly caught me out and I had to sprint to get this new page ready. So this is hot off my board.

It is amazing what outfit the Boy? range carries, but sometimes it is a privilege to borrow an outfit form another legendary designer.

This time it is from the house of Barbie, with a Latex variation on their iconic 80s Space Barbie outfit and what self respecting space girl would venture out without her trust companion.

I hope you like this one, the outfit will be appearing again at some point in the 25th Century

Many thanks






Investigation, exploration, definitely not camouflaged. Not even a bag for experimentation. Yet, he does look perfect even if we cannot touch his supple body. Now if only Fifi would run off and disappear, all is well in the 25th Century.


Wow, so hot the colors have that liquid vibe we all love. Really lookforwar to seeing the gorgeous outfit again. With fifi too I hope. xxx

Andy Latex

Thank you my friend, yes the finish on the suit id very fluid like, i love it too XXX

Andy Latex

It is a touch lost in space, Andy is less the action packed hero of the 25th century stories and more the potential damsel in distress here. XXX