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Hello Friends

  So here we are, Andy in his cute little uniform and Jane looking deliberately elegant standing on a porch in the bright sunlight.So where are they and why are they there, Andy looks nervous and Jane seems to be telling him something. I will give you a clue as to where this sits in our bigger story. This is set during Andy and Jane's visit to America, but before they go on the run from the sisterhood.

My dialogue is pretty simple, but you will have to wait till the bog post to see if you have guessed right.

Big hugs





Gorgeous. My eyes can seem to stop going from the shiny pants to the shiny dress. I'll be cross eyed but I love it :) especially the voluptuous auburn hair. Jane is saying to Andy: Don't be shy, your look perfect. No one will embarrass you. Serve the ladies and gentlemen their drinks gracefully and remember to curtsy. xx

Andy Latex

I think you have the idea just right Aidan, Jane's words would be just so sweet and reassuring as those. Be careful of those yes my friend, we don't want them going round and round and round xxxx


Hmm, difficult. Lady Jane looks as though she has told Andy something which he is not happy about and she is seeing how he reacts. He has a frown possibly or is doubtful, maybe even resistant or angry. He might have actually stamped his foot! - but that is not like him, is it? (Andy! Don't make a face! You'll get lines!.) Perhaps as he is made more feminine he is affected by very female mood swings and is now more 'emotional'? Oh dear ... hormones!

Andy Latex

Stamp his pretty heel? I think Andy is quite capable of that. I am so glad and happy you mentioned Andys frown, I put a lot of thought into the body language and facial expressions and when someone reads them as well as you my friend it makes it worth the time . Thank you aster xxxx