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Hello Friends

It is great to be back and thank you for being there and enjoying all the pre-loaded works over the holiday.

So  today we have a dialogue free  piece. I created it with dialogue in mind, but feel it would now fit a different scenario and so I am going to let you kind folks imagine what is happening here. I think we can guess where it fits in to  the Andy and Aunt Jane time frame. 

So is Andy helping Jane to  dress for a date with Rev Mayfield, or is Andy helping Jane out of an outfit after a date. Jane's hands are resting gently on Andy's so is she consoling him, or perhaps telling him a truth which has unsettled the poor thing.

 I love reading your ideas, because they often inspire other pieces, so please have fun

Thank you again XXXXXX



Why is this exclusive, well this version will only appear here on Patreon, i'll let you guess why





I keep returning to that photo... So beautiful.... So sensual... I think this is one of the few photos with "I wish I looked like her" effect. Am I in love?

Andy Latex

Oh Gosh! Look like her? Golly Gosh, ‘cos that is actually 13 year old me looking so pretty on that wall


I can't remove my eyes from this pic: so sensual, so nice, so feminine!