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Hello Friends

  Here we have a fully realised and complete image as a treat, however it is the lead into something else which I will hopefully float onto you  Wednesday next week.

So sit back, enjoy (hopefully) and have a think.

Really bit hugs





Andy Latex

Hmmmm maybe it is to throw you off maybe not, it ain’t Latex so that’s a hint. But will it be Aunties choice or not Thank you Aidan. Xxx

Michyle Glen

I like this image as Andy's first taste of what is to come, but have you ever thought of making a before and after cartoon?? Something like Aunt Jane giving Andy Two Posters, the first of Andy dressed as he is now with a front and side image, and another with Andy in a Latex Outfit front, side and back? An interesting comparison of how far Andy has come and what could be next for him/her.

Andy Latex

Hello Michyle. I like that idea and it has opened up a completely different piece of art, one which has been blocked for a long time but your idea has now freed it up, so thank you XXX