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Hello Friends

  Some of you may recall the story of Andy and the Plant from a few years ago, well I had always intended to create a follow up and not leave Andy all cocooned and gooey.

 Well I tried a few times but was never happy with the result. I am still trying but for now, here are a few ideas which did not pass muster.

I think you can guess, Jane is in for a big surprise, however In case you were worries, her new kitchen floor is no longer in danger.

If I can find the one near complete frame in my archives I will post it as soon as I can. 

Take care and biggest hugs to you all





Phew I was worried about her floor there, glad its ok -hhahaha. She really is in for a surprise though, the poor sweet boy will sleep for a week. Love it. xx

Andy Latex

Thank you Aidan, I think Jane will find out that a nice shiny floor, comes at a price.


Impatient to discover the result of this "cocoon" becomes "butterfly"