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Hello Friends

   So here we go. Exclusive to you sweet and generous people, I am creating a monthly Calendar of Andy art. Each will be a new image, or new variant of an old and hopefully fully downloadable in full high def.

  Now if anyone has any issues getting this in full hi def via the download button, please, please do let me know and I will try to correct the problem and if you give me permission I will Email you a copy as well.

  Please bear with me, because I am new to this element of Patreon, but hopefully it will all work out and who knows, by the end of the year, we might have something of a collectors item.

My very best wishes and thanks for your help and support 





Dr. Strangequirk

Very nice. The gift that keeps on giving though out the whole year. I'm looking forward to my birth month as well, which happens to be your next month, February. :)

Michyle Glen

Should have put an audio clip, from "Baby It's Cold Outside" Happy New Year!

Andy Latex

Thank you Doc, perhaps we might have a bit of StrangeQuirk industries influenced art. Time will tell xxx