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Hello Friends

  Here is another sneaky Peek at an upcoming piece. This is the not entirely finished art version, the completed work has a few vital additions and dialogue, but the fun of previewing them here is that it lets you lovely people imagine your own versions of events, before I jump all over them in my size nine boots......(size 7, but nine sounds funnier) .

Andy looks a little down in the dumps, he also looks to be the younger Andy, fresh and still unsure, however Jane is still majestic in those spray on pants and killer heels.

 This is a gift for you, have fun, be kind, lots of love



Oh and the other two?   Well I am sure you can figure those out XXX




Thanks for the fun preview. Wow, Andy is very demure and Jane oh so powerful just as we like them. A gorgeous depiction of a very fitting walk-in wardrobe with its own makeup station. The matching pink vacwear for Andy and Robin is very cute I’m not sure is he surprised or shocked but gorgeous all the same and and of course oh so powerfully attired Aunty. All those lovely gifts of latex gowns and Louboutins, lucky boi ;) xxx

Andy Latex

Thank you Aidan, for such a kind comment, I did set out to make Andy extra submissive in this, his head way below Jane's, but Jane in those pants, could never be anything other than perfectly in control. But is that touch, simply her checking his makeup for flaws or is is a gentle reassurance? Sissies in vac storage, how else would one them fresh XXX

Pirata Avarus

I tried to think of a scenario, but ultimately he’s just too precious for words. Your art tells the whole story. ❤️