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Hello Friends

  So here we have 4 more panels from an unfinished comic, however these really are the last ones i have in this series. I kind of cut from here to Andy returning home. The reason for this was that i just could not get the make-over images right, so they were dumped.

However these 4 I think are fun and show Andy's growing embarrassment.

Thank you for you support, it means so much to me.





stacy C

I need to see what's through that door in pic 4 hehe. It's a shame you had to dump the actual make over pics, I would have loved to see those....please please please create some more. I'm sure your fans would appreciate it :-) x

Andy Latex

Hi Stacy, I may create a new salon series or some make-over images, it would be tricky to reestablish the style of these old pieces , but somethIng will happen I am sure XX


I agree to Stacy C!