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Hello Friends

   Here are a few lost or forgotten classics, none are connected to the modern Andy and Aunt Jane, but they do show where I was coming form all those years ago.

The third and forth images were part of an early Halloween edition of 'Slick Magazine'

   A quick notice

 I am away all next week, so there will probably be no posts. I know you will kindly forgive me this little break but i have a major event next week and it will take a lot of my time. Nothing bad, just BIG.

So stay safe and my biggest hugs






It is always a pleasure to see from whence you're came. Ever so delightful and wicked. The ladies have a new plaything under their control. I do not think he wants the Police called for his running out on hid debt. Now defrocked, he is not in a position to refuse, and he did sign a contract. You have come so very far in your creations. Simple, yet elegant, as are you.


Enjoy your time next week. Will we one day get to learn if the big but not bad event? ;) Lovely early art. Andy in that cute pink dress with his svelte frame. Well he’s learnt a lesson he can’t run away from debts. There’s alway a price to pay especially when it’s a sweet one. The dress code in the office must be very detailed and yes the latex must be kept lubed. Those ladies doing it for you would be scintillating. I guess they only do it once then he had to lube theirs. IDK :) Did the magazine ever publish? guess not :)