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Hello Friends

   So here we have the artwork for the latest Lady Jane comic. All it needs is the dialogue and catch-up box and all the other bits and bobs and we will be ready.

  I think there are enough details and things to tickle your imaginations,even without my finishing touches, so maybe you can create your own adventure around this image and see if it matches mine. In this case I think you might get close.

  One day I will sit down and write a full Lady Jane Adventure, it might be the new Harry Potter. Strong female heroine, with a non conforming, highly educated and capable transexual sidekick, you can't say it doesn't tick the boxes. Heck imagine the movie? So who would you cast?

  Thank you as ever for your kind support, I know I say it every time but I truly mean it, bless you and take care





I can’t help but smile when I see this picture......Andrew has to go to a business function in Lady Janes place because she was unable to make it. So Andy went and purchased a new outfit and splurged ona new purse to match. Though Instead of a nice and quiet business lunch. Andrew is dragged into the stair well by Lady Jane as soon as he got clear of the security and told there is a bomb in the basement. Really Miss Jane you couldn’t have told me before I left the real reason you said you couldn’t make it. I wouldn’t have spent so much time and money on my outfit If I would have known I would be spending the whole time in the basement. Im sorry dear but this wasn’t exactly a planned outing. Between the anonymous phone call and trying to find out if this was a real threat I just didn’t have the time to tell you before you had left. It’s why I always tell you to be prepared for anything. Don’t think I didn’t notice the small purse you brought with you. Not that it doesn’t look lovely with your outfit but fitting a gun in there never mind your little tool kit is just not possible. Why you don’t like carrying your gun on you I don’t know but your decision to leave your tools and weapon at home is going to have consequences that we will be talking about when we get home. Sigh.....yes ma’am. Another idea was Andrew was coming over to Lady Janes to go over her schedule for the upcoming week and do more paperwork for the explorers guild. Instead he is dragged off By Jane to a training room down in the basement and the doors are sealed shut and then told they won’t open till he can disarm this bomb in under 5 min. As andrew stands there looking at Jane wearing a new outfit he had just purchased along with a new clutch purse In hand he can’t help but asking Jane why she didn’t let him know that this was planned for today so he could have worn something a bit more functional for disarming a bomb. Janes only comment was you have to be prepared for anything at any time. Even though Jane was wearing the proper attire for the job at hand it was hard for Andrew to not get a little frustrated by her comment when he has to work on this fake bomb in a brand new outfit. With a loud sigh after watching Lady Jane do Her gun drills he set his purse down and started to figure out the fastest way to get the the bomb diffused. Working for Lady Jane there is never a dull moment. Though Andrew wouldn’t change a thing. Through it all he has learned that he likes the excitement and adventure just as much as Lady Jane though maybe less danger as what Jane seems to find herself in. I am probably wrong but that’s okay I love this piece sooo much. Andrews hair is amazing I love the curls and again his outfit is amazing. Though not to be outdone Janes outfit is incredible and I love her boots. Wonderful wonderful wonderful. Some of your best work. Keep up the amazing job

Andy Latex

What a wonderful collection of thoughts and ideas, I love them all, especially the one which tally's with my idea, But which is it, Hmmmm shall I tell or shall i keep it secret until the final is posted. Thank you so much for talking the time to write this response, you are a dear and I love reading it so much. So glad you liked all the outfits and you spotted all the details, which makes my efforts all the more worth the time. Big hugs XXX


I will go with your Harry Potter idea for later. Seems good since J K Rowling has a 'thing' towards Transsexuals/Transgenders. Yes, Harry will be a girl called Harriett with two Transsexual/Transgender sidekicks, perhaps one M to F and the other F to M. Their names will evolve in time. Must not be too serious, even poke fun at themselves at times. The fun to be had coming up with titles. Harriett and the goblet of fire, They get drunk. Harriett gets a visit from Aunty Jane. (Maybe) Harriett and the Half Blood Princess. A female Malfoy who gets her come-upperance Of course, there must be sex that is implied, not shown.