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Hello Friends

I do hope you are all well and safe. 

 Well they seem to have closed my beloved Cineworld, but that won't stop us from blasting of for adventures of our own making wit Andy in the 25th Century.

 This is just part of  a three piece fold out cover, on which I have been working now for 2 weeks. It is nearly done , but I thought I would drop you, my dear Patrons, a sneaky peak.

 Let your imaginations go free and remember GORDON'S ALIVE????





Hi. I agree with the other commenters and a WOW from me. Love the heels and the rest too. My imagination is running away with me and wonder what Slime creature has in store for our intrepid Commander and of the missing Miss Galaxy. How far will I let my imagination go?

Andy Latex

Hi Robyn So glad to have tickled you. I often wonder if these sidesteps into another universe are well received, but they do seem to hit a point each time. Bless you and I hope the final images meet your imaginings XXX

Dr. Strangequirk

Just saw the completed opus of this piece on your blog & since I still cannot leave comments there I'll leave them here. It appears that I was correct in that the Mucozoid had swallowed a female I was wrong that it was the beauty queen... Or perhaps there two females inside the slimy gorge of the Alien? :) Well done & I love the multiple variations. Most excellent work my friend.

Andy Latex

Oh I am so sorry you are still having issues. Thank you for commenting here though my friend. Yes I think it might be a decoy, snatch the Colonel whilst the other, none Mucozoid's, smuggle Miss Galaxy out