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Hello friends

Well those of you who can cast your minds back to March of this year might remember the original version of this. (The second one on the post) I liked it but never felt happy with it. Being it concentrated on the faces I felt I had not got them right, that they did not represent Andy and his Aunt well enough.


So a few weeks ago I had another go (The third one) , with Andy, softened things up and yes I was happier, but then I got a new toy and figured out how to use it and so created the final version seen in the main pic. Now Andy looks like Andy, our Andy and 'Gulp' this Andy too, plus I stripped away the bright glossy colours of Andy's make up, changing them for subtle tones, highlighting the fact that he really needed little make up to bring out the feminine in him.

I also finally got Jane right, got some depth and sparkle in her eyes and a smile to really do her justice.

Now there is another version, one that features something very important in the story of Andy and Jane, but that, my dear friends, is a story for another day





In the earlier attempts, lovely as they are, Andy would understandably be quite frightened of his new look, the final version truly is the sweetest and most acceptable to him to begin the journey his caring Aunty sets. xxx

Andy Latex

Thank you Aidan, That is exactly the emotion I was trying to capture, there is almost a gasp on his lips and a tingle of excitement behind the eyes. Bless you for your time and kind comment XXX


They are all good in their own way. The 2nd one is good, but I feel not for a girl like Andy. My vote goes to the 3rd one.