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Hello My Friends

Time to open that squeaky vault door,turn on the light and see what we can see. Well It looks like the filing system has gone badly wrong because none of these are in anyway connected.

HeyHo never mind, I'll have a word with my archivist.

So first is a very old piece, so old Andy has brown eyes, so that was before I felt happy to really use myself as a model for our helpless hero/Heroine. I remade this one, slightly differently and it can be found on the blog back in 2011?. 

Then Three variants of the bridal gown featured earlier, but none of these was the gown Andy finally chose......What? What am I saying?........stay tuned.

Then we go back the early days again, very stylised, you can see I like a leg, but it was almost the first time Louboutins made it onto Andy feet. I also like Jane's casual attitude to inflating Andy's early toy.

Finally an unfinished piece, this was going to be Andy cleaning windows, but falling foul of one of Jane's friends,or maybe not one of her friends, that after all,that is not Jane in the background. Is It?

Anyway, I hope you liked these, they come from me to you with so much gratitude for your kind support.

Next week, we get a new Christeen preview.






Loving and enjoying them all, thanks


Loving and enjoying them all, thanks