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Hello my dear friends

Just to let you know I will be on holiday next week, so might not be in contact, however I will return the following Monday, with all sorts of new stuff. So thank you for you wonderful support, I am truly truly grateful for your help. Bless you XXX

  So what do we have here, a dear friend said he liked the fun of imagining the scene without my dialogue and seeing if he could out think me (Fool LOL). So here is another teaser for your pleasure.

  Sure looks like Andy is in bother with these two leather clad ladies, but the Who? what? ,why? and when? is all up you to imagine.

I will say no more, because I will only give too much away.

And because I do not want to short change you for your generosity I have included a few off-cuts and ideas boards, you might enjoy.

First a few outfit ideas, The red dress, then a neat business outfit and finally a casual all pink outfit

Then we have Andy in his travelling outfit, but this time with the fill sunglasses look

and finally a cute concept of Andy in his early days wearing tight leggings,  

So there we have it, enough to play with for a few days until I return. So you all take care my dear friends and I will see you all soon




At first glance, I had thought Andy's ball damaged the car, but then I saw the license plate. perhaps a scoop up off the street to teach Aunt Jane a lesson. The second is my favorite, so much variety on a thrme. Not a fan of blonde, but the bun is glorious. Ready to tidy up the office and take dictation? Prim and proper. Though the pink set goes beautifully with the hair. To lead a new client into the conference room? A distraction? Perhaps to make a coffee (tea) and scone run? The last is also memorable, force him to walk around the house/office to get a bit more comfortable with that height before an inch or two is added. Poor lad, but lovely clothes.


I guess it’s that time again....for me to guess and be completely wrong...lol. Though I wouldn’t want it any other way your art does get my imagination going... so my take on what’s going on is that Andrew and his friends are outside of Aunt Janes house practicing for the big game coming up when this expensive suv pulls up and parks right in the middle of where they are playing and these 2 gorgeous ladies get out and stroll right up to Andrew. He is left speechless as these 2 ladies move his head back and forth and run there hands over his body all the while talking to to each and not even introducing themselves. “My goodness this must the boy Jane was going on and on about. She definitely was right in saying we wouldn’t be disappointed. He will be breathtaking when he has completed the course. His eyes are so striking....they grab you before you even even hear him speak. I definitely don’t see a reason to not approve Jane for a trial membership and allow her access to our vast resources. I dare say he will be a prize many of the Ladies will be fighting for. I hope Jane knows to keep a low profile until she is a full member. For until she is a full member everything she uses is a loan and just like a bank we can call in the loan whenever we want.” As they continue to have a conversation around Andrew he can’t help but try and make sense of what’s going on. Does Aunt Jane know them and if she does why are they around him? Why are they so interested in my eyes ?and what do they mean once I finish the course? What course? So many questions but unfortunately Andrew is not ready for the answers. Or it could be that he kicked the ball and it hit there car and they want compensation but not with money. They are thinking of having him work off the damage.....The again I could be completely off course(which wouldn’t surprise me). Either way my very dear friend I eagerly await the true backstory. As always your art is beautiful and lovely and you always leave me wanting more. A talented and gifted tease. Your other pieces are also amazing I love the pink suit and the last piece in his leggings looks like it might be his first time in heels since he is feeling his backend and is amazed how just a simple pair of heels tightens everything up. Truly wonderful and hope you enjoy your vacation and take the time to relax. Will be waiting as patiently as I can for your return. Be safe and have fun. Sorry for this book like comment.....😅.