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 Hello Friends

What a week, so so sorry for not getting in here an replying to your super comments and messages sooner, but life has stressed me right out and I have not been at my best, so I am very sorry to mess you all about.

  However that said, i will always try to gift you something in return for your kind and generous support.

  So today I am bringing you offerings from both Christeen and myself, the most important part of which is this link https://www.pinterest.co.uk/ChristeenPetticoatArt/boards/  which will take you to her new pinterest page. This will not mean she is leaving my blog. I will still be hosting exclusives and previews on there, along with (hopefully) a few preview exclusive here on patreon too. 

  Now for my part. The first piece is from an idea to have Andy abducted along with other victims and placed in Latex sacs for transportation, Clearly the woman with the crop is informing Andy, in his gown, that is is where he is going.

The second is the broad for a piece where Andy and his friends are persuaded to help as waiting staff at a function, only for them to discover there were not 5 suits, but 4 suits and one tiny maids dress. We can guess who was destined for that.





#1 A lovely sight, but for some reason I conjure up the idea of a flight attendant at Emirates Airlines. I wonder if the serve alcohol?


Darn that return!

Andy Latex

I think that is where you were supposed to go Lee, It is a lovey uniform, perfect for Chris