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Hello Friends, Bless you ,Bless you XXX

The first image is the full, never published, final version of Andy on Mistress Shop tv modeling the classic Christmas soldier vinyl wrap suit.

Then there is a lost Idea, think It is Andy in secretary mode

Then a strange lunch scene, not Jane is in the back ground so I think the dinning platter was another innocent

The last, would have been a fancy dress idea, from the dawn of my work'

All fun I hope





All delightful, but I really think we should be told the price of Crystal Seal for that perfect final, hard glaze and, of course, the Hummingbird Edge that are both needed to keep sissy Nutcracker absolutely pristine while in a continuous buzz of excitement fthroughout the holiday season. It's nice that Secretary Andy is the only person in the office wearing a skirt. And now for something longer: a shame that it's not Andrew as the the table decoration but perhaps Jane has brought him in to watch the final course of the meal being prepared. He'll shiver with delight as he watches Jane and her beautiful friends pour warm chocolate and honey sauce over the sissy. He'll see the eagerness with which the sissy thrusts out his bottom responds as they insert their cherries and hear the boy's squeals of pleasure of they push more and more into him. He'll be so envious. When the sissy starts to plead for no more, they'll put him in a ball-gag and thrust his head down into the table so that his face and hair get smeared in sauce and crumbs and his pert bottom thrust higher. Yet more cherries will be pushed in until he really can take no more. And then the hostess will call, "Ladies, please take your seats. Dessert will be served in 10 minutes when it's been properly warmed through. In meantime would you like a coffee or dessert wine?" Maybe Jane ask the hostess to let Andy stay if he holds the head of the sissy. When dessert is served, each lady will present a little crystal bowl. Andy will see the femboi moan as he dispenses each cherry, in response to little taps of a riding crop on his dagger heels. The first cherries will come easily with the sissy fluttering with pleasure as a little fruit plops out of his anus. But for later servings the dispensing will slow and the taps of the riding rop will become sharper. The femboi will struggle and strain for each expulsion that will be greeted with shudders of rapture. The catamite will start to have tears in his eyes and it will be Andy's decision to give him little kisses as each cherry is discharged. The ladies will find that delightful. And after the final cherry has been disgorged, Andy will note the look of absolute rapture on the sissy's face as whipped cream is squirted into his gaping chamber. Andy will be asked to leave since he will now have chocolate and honey on his face too, though not before he has asked Jane whether he might try the same sometime soon at one of her dinner parties. After Andy's gone, Jane will swell with pride and the compliments from the other guests about her charming boy, but wave away her hostess's question, "But you will tell him about how we always begin our Sisterhood gatherings with ginger truffles, won't you?" Hope you enjoy reading. Your S xxxx


Thank you for another wonderful selection down memory lane. I had almost forgotten your Christmas offering and he does seem quite healthy in his cleavage for his age, but must learn the different aspect expected of him. Secretary and maid. The poor thing being prepared by the subordinates while the Mistresses watch and guide. With a not-so-loving hand, I imagine. One must suffer for beauty, especially when he starts out as male.

Andy Latex

OMG I love love love that, what a little tale and inspires me to recreate this with your words. Because they need to be shared with a larger audience. What a lovely image you paint with your words. Thank you so much xxx

Andy Latex

Hi Lee, Bless you my friend, I am so glad you liked these, so many ideas I might rework, especially now they have passed the Lee test XXX Andy