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Hello my friends

    So lets study Andy In Pink

First a rough and very unfinished concept, but still worth looking at, featuring our Andy tending two of Jane's guests, in a rather cute little pink Latex uniform

Then we have 3 versions of Andy, in a very tight and near transparent Maids uniform.

All rather sweet.






Lovely. The 3rd captures Andy's innocence and surprise perfectly although all are very fetching, and rather revealing. Poor Andy. While we go one to see a fully trained Andy offering spritzers (? or Limoncello?) to go with the tea on a hot day. But who is the third glass and cup for? It looks like Aunt Jane is running a bit late but will be joining them. So fortunate that she has Andy to entertain and serve her guests. Maybe her lateness is deliberate and will ensure Andy has to be at his/her best. Lovely work. Your S xxxx


Another early morning set to get the imagination in gear. Andy is always at his best, but in pink he truly shines. I do prefer the flowing hair, but it does not go with his station. Perhaps the bob. I also was a bit confused by the third glass until I saw the leg coming up from the grass. So that is how the ladies get rid of someone too inquisitive.


There is a hint of a leg and a brown skirt on far left. This might be Aunt Jane just about to enter the picture.