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   Hello Patron friends

Today I am teasing you with the story for Miami, which is the sequel to Georgia, however, being me, I am only sharing the dialogue, meaning you will have to wait for the  Art to be revealed on our blog this Monday.

Aren't I just a rotten tease



Relishing the atmosphere of fear and uncertainty, Mistress Elizabet Tragenberg slowly circled the young beauty, Her elegant fingers tracing gentle lines across the bare skin of her new Maids shoulders.

  “Such beauty”, She purred, her heavy German accent low and sensual, “You are as perfect as spoken of, in form, in figure and in beauty. Such grace and elegance I have never seen in a femboy, you dance on your heels as if born in them, your balance and poise beyond compare”.

 The tall athletic redhead paused now in her movement, coming to gaze down into Andy’s ornately made up eyes, her fingertips caressing his blushed cheeks as if in reverence. “Such a pity, such a pity, I could have had such fun playing with you, exploring your body, teaching you things you never imagined it could do………but sadly, you still have lessons to learn”

   The tone of those words made Andy swallow, the look in her eyes cool yet filled with pity. She stepped away and from behind her back produced a small ripple of red latex, a pouch, dripping with the now familiar scent of gel lube. 

 “You see, my friend Ms Sawyer has informed me of your … …disrespect to Madam Grant, of how you constantly complained  about your uniforming” 

    For a moment Andy’s lips parted, his defence formed but silenced by fear.

   “If you breath slow and calm, my ponytail hood will provide all the air you require, but struggle and you will find it very uncomfortable. Learn you lesson child, for I hope to see your beautiful face once more before you leave us”.

   It was the tiniest of steps back, but in that slightest of movements Mistress Tragenberg, could feel Andy’s fear and it made her tingle and the moment all the more pleasurable. For stepping away she turned and in an over dramatic gesture opened the wardrobe. The contents within instantly weakening the helpless boys knees.

   The slim, floor length red Latex sheath dress, featureless and smooth, hung like some scarlet spectre, glistening and rippling, silently awaiting its helpless victim. 

    “Understand this Andrew, you are alone, you have no control any longer. We can make of you whomever and whatever we desire, take you wherever and whenever we wish and in time you will learn to obey……without complaint”

 At that, in a mist of sun warmed flesh and perfume, she turned and on her dagger heels passed the gathered Maids, then pausing she tossed the gel wet hood into her housekeepers hands and with a tone of utter disgust added.

 “Seal him, seal him completely, head to toe.  I don’t want him …… ..dripping… everywhere” 





What can you say, poor poor Andy.What does Andy do fight the moment and make it worse or simply except the predictable outcome to help Auntie. And you my friend just as controlling as the sisterhood, teasing us all Left on a knife edge wanting more. I thank you for that not a ear worm but mind games. Love it to bits. xXx Til the next episode........

Andy Latex

Hi Nena, yes what a choice, accept is his only option I think. I like a bit of a tease, but not for too long, all will be revealed on my blog Monday Morning. XXXX


"Such grace and elegance I have never seen in a femboy, you dance on your heels as if born in them, your balance and poise beyond compare”. I see that Andy is off to a good start with this one.