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  Hope you are all well.

Here are just 4 of the work boards I curate as I make a piece of art, each has elements which either will or will not be used.

The first is Hermione, can't help seeing a little chav "sic"  in there at the start, before it took on the sweet beauty of Emma Watson. https://smoothslicknshiny.blogspot.com/2018/11/new-art-i-really-do.html 

Next is the full dress which became the acclaimed Victorian maids dress https://smoothslicknshiny.blogspot.com/2020/04/new-art-andys-place-in-sun.html 

then we have some sweet Easter details, very feminine https://smoothslicknshiny.blogspot.com/2019/04/new-art-english-rose.html 

and finally something as yet homeless. A bondage chair, from an idea still in my head, but i  create these idea boards to hold the thought and see if it works. The words are spoken by the chairs creator off screen whilst,I imagine, eyeing Jane from the rear .





It always amazes me how your talent works. This art board shows that not only do you have wonderful artistic talent but creative talent also. Creativity is a skill that you have that allows you to breath so much life into your work and gives my imagination such a workout. Wonderful as always my friend.......Now I will say finding a place for the furniture piece does leave me thinking...... it’s either a piece of art or a functional office chair with 2 sides...one for play and one for business.....as for setting look back on your guiding hand story for inspiration because this piece would fit in perfect at the countesses mansion .....or your piece you did about the dark institute leaving a gift/threat in the form of Aunt Helene being displayed as art for aunt Jane and Andrew. Amazingly amazing...😁 And truly enjoyable to see the work involved in making your art. All my very best xxxx


It is always a pleasure to see your mind at work, and the possibilities running through your mind. So many choices, and the one you end up choosing is perfect. Stay safe, my Sweetness.

Andy Latex

Thank you my friend, I also have no idea how my talent works, sometimes i think it is drying up and them it just comes back,like the high tide. Yes the chair is an odd one, it's not like we have not seen this sort of thing before, yes Aunt Helene, but it was inspired by another blog friend who asked if I had seen anything like it. It was more of an exercise in texture control, where some use render programs, all mine is done by hand with a light pen on screen. So yes that chair is very much a centre piece of The Dark Institutes offices....wherever they may be.Thank you so much for letting me talk about my work, be safe xxxx Andy