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  This is something special (I hope). A few days ago i posted an old piece featuring Andy in full Bollywood, Exotic Indian costume and from the feedback i received, it seemed i needed to revisit it. 

  So I created this new version that crosses a few cultures, but remains mostly Indian. However, as you might see, it has no dialogue, the image is bare. So what do you think is going on?

  Look at the characters, Jane ,Andy and for those who have noticed her before in my art, the return of our mysterious Lawyer/Fixer in the background. 

Has Jane come to retrieve Andy or just to Visit Him? What has been his story?, Abducted to a Harem?, A Palace slave? A plaything or a cherished guest?

I have my ideas, but as a special gift for your kindness, I wanted you to see it first and who knows, your thoughts and ideas might even influence my thinking or even earn a place on my blog.






Breathtaking.......this piece is beautiful from the jewelry to the heels to the nose ring and the saree. The lips are equally captivating. As for why he is there.......I think Aunt Janes business took her to India and she thought it would be a perfect time to get Andy out of his comfort zone and get him to experience a different culture. What she did not plan for was Andy leaving the hotel and deciding to wonder the local markets alone while she was in her business meeting. She had told him to stay at the hotel because he didn’t understand the language and it wouldn’t be safe for him to go out by himself. That was yesterday... thankfully one of the servants of the princess had left a message with the hotel telling her where Andy was. So she was relieved to find out he was okay but once she heard he had caught the interest of the maharajahs daughter she realized that this might be a perfect business opportunity that she just couldn’t pass up. Now for this scene You see Aunt Jane catching up with Andy and filling him in on what was going on. Oh Aunt Jane I’m so glad your here does that mean we can go home. Not just yet sweetie you see this predicament you find yourself in is actual a very good business opportunity for me. So be at ease to know you will be coming home with me but for the next 4 days you will have to stay here and keep Meerabai company. Oh Aunt Jane please let me come back to the hotel with you Meerabai is so mean. She doesn’t take no for an answer. Look at my skin she had it dyed because she said I was to white and She pierced my nose. Aunt Jane I have a nose ring and I have to wear all this jewelry and dress in this traditional clothing and she only talks to me in Hindi even though I know she speaks fluent English. She has me follow her around doing whatever chores she can think of and then yells at me when I don’t understand what she is asking me to do and and.....I just want to go home. I know sweetie I know but it’s just a few more days and you did bring this on yourself. Do you know how worried I was when i got back to the hotel and you weren’t there. I told you to stay at the hotel where it was safe but you decided to go to the market instead. You had me so worried..... I’m really disappointed in you Andy and I’m glad your okay but there is going to be consequences for your actions which include you staying here helping and obeying the princess with whatever she needs or asks of you.......sigh yes Aunt Jane....... As Jane goes to hug Andy she tells him she loves him and that the time will go by fast but she has to go and as she turns to walk away she smiles and says that he does look beautiful and that the nose ring shows off his cute nose......wow I get long winded. Well you did ask for opinions....maybe not as long winded as that was but your art does seem to bring that out in me....lol.... love it love it love it 💕 xxxxxxx


Andy needs more piercings imo. Would love to see him with nipples, tongue, and septum done in the future

Andy Latex

I know it was a very long story, but I thought it was amazing and i will post it when i use this art on my blog XXXX

Andy Latex

Oh crickey, I don't think Aunt Jane would like that, but heck you never know XXX