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Hi Patrons

I can not that nk you enough for the support you are giving me, we are all suffering strange time and like a lot of you I am now home form work, not ill, but on furlough due to the Covid threat. This means my income has been  reduced, but thanks to you and your kindness I can keep my head above water and use the time to create art.

And so I want to give you all a special treat as way of thanks. I completed this piece less than an hour ago, I was struggling to spark my brain (yes it does happen from time to time) but then our friend Skinnie Stallion ,My S, sent me a few reminders of my time riding a bike to work in Lyon and suddenly I was away and this is the result. 

It will as all my art is, be posted on the blog,however for you right now this is an exclusive speak peak.

Bless you and be safe






I hope the Latex is not too slippery as she holds on to Andy.

Andy Latex

Honey it’s polished, there is bound to be a little slick slippyness to it, but Jane will hold on tight xx


i Think Lady Jane is rubbing off on Andy a little. I mean who would have thought to bring a grenade of all things to a party. Though as well as Andy knows Jane he probably figured it was a given. Though you have to wonder when she told Andy where to meet her if she told him to bring the car. As much as Lady Jane appreciates Andy in his new biker outfit and for showing up on time. You wonder if she is not a little bit upset with Andy for choosing looks over practicality. Then again he does look amazing and he did bring a grenade. Though now the question is does Lady Jane take over and make Andy hold on to her tightly or the other way around so she can shoot while he drives.? Wonderful and amazing as always love the detail and the biker outfit is just wow

Andy Latex

Hello my friend. this is where Andy comes into his own, this is where his "always prepared" common sense comes in. It's an escape naturally he will need smoke grenades (of his own design) to hand. There was a little bit about the use of the bike I could not fit in, on which the image originally hung. It was to have been Jane looking at the bike and saying, "What happened to the Bugatti?" To which Andy replied , "Sorry Madam, but I still haven't finished replacing the injectors after the Marrakesh dash". Hinting that Andy is skilled in all sorts of things and not just a one note damsel in distress. You know me, I like my Characters to have depth......Got to admit I like the biker outfit, loved adding the padding as detail ,but the helmet was a pain to get right. Worth it though for your kind comments xxxx