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So a few months ago I posted this piece with Andy between two untrustworthy "Thugs" as Jane described them. At a photo shoot.

Well before it morphed into that slightly dark story, it was originally going to be a rather naughty moment between Andy and Will.

 I have no idea where the two love birds are, or why, I only know the look on Andy's face and the placing of his hands, says all we need to know.



Skinnie S

"Phew! I thought she'd never go," said Will. "Auntie, just wanted to check that we were OK after the shoot," replied Andy. "It's been a long day." "Are you thinking what I'm thinking, honey?" asked Will, moving closer to his love who turned coquettishly away. "I think I'm feeling what you're thinking," replied Andy pressing his palm against his boyfriend's crotch. "At least there's no padlock on your skirt this time and we don't have to go begging Jane for the key." "Even if there were, one of the many virtues of the Golden BOY?™ Slip Dress, is that its side slits mean that either the back or front can be folded up to allow easy access." "You sound like you're promoting BOY?™ ; we're not shooting for the catalogue now." "Well, you're making me wonder about doing some YouTube clips. Maybe a few tutorials for BOY?™ wearers whose boyfriends are a little slow on the uptake. Although my hands tell me you're not slow on the uplift. Now can we get on please before Auntie returns? I want you to take me while we're standing here. Just lift the back. You can push my panties aside but you will have to slip out my Hummingbird." "That thing! Jane still likes you wearing that." "Quit moaning. It means I'm nice and lubed and ready for you. What are you waiting for, Will? Or should I call you 'Big Boy'? I want you, and I want you now, Big Boy." ------------- Much nicer than with the thugs in Cannes ( https://smoothslicknshiny.blogspot.com/2024/03/story-by-skinnie-stallion.html ). I think a fitting post-script conclusion to the Tryptych after Executive Stress ( https://smoothslicknshiny.blogspot.com/2024/05/a-monday-special-with-skinnie-s.html ). S xxxxx


Saved by his Prince, and his smile tells the tale. Alone together to bask in the Love each has for the other. Another happy ending, or at least, a quiet respite away from the world. The little story by Skinnie S tells so much in so fw words. TY.

Andy Latex

That's both naughty and sweet at the same time, which is just how I like things. Thank you S for another super lovely little tale. You are a GemXXXX

Andy Latex

Sweet and Beautiful words my dear friend, you feel the story so well, bless you for being so sweet XXX