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Hello Friends

 As promised I have done my very best never let you down, so here is the latest in our Aunt Jane Calendar.

This time Jane has taken on the near impossible role of taking over from the gorgeous Anneka Rice in the re-boot of  80s Tv classic Treasure Hunt.

 I chose this theme as a tribute to my Dad, because it was he who showed me Treasure hunt when I was a kid. She, alongside Kim Wilde, is a favourite of my Dads and so it seems fitting Jane should step into the role .

For those who do not know Ms Rice, here is a little taste of her smile and style. Leaping out of helicopters in her trademark jumpsuits.

She actually did wear a leather jumpsuit (see pic) on  a special edition of the show, which has (according to Dad) gone down in legend., 




Very nice. I am unfamiliar with the show. She does have a beautiful smile and is just amazing as an active Lady of leisure.


Happy Easter to all. Anika and the jumpsuits are legendary. I too am a lover of the show. Jane fits the role beautifully. xxx

Andy Latex

She does have the most radiant smile, so as I did Lee and look out the show on YouTube xxx