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[There were some audio issues in this episode]

I caught up with one of my March Madness cohosts Adam and we started the show just shooting the shit and talking about how we got to the point that we are in with our respective podcasts (Adam hosts a show about hobbies called Hobby Perverts) and why we had to start new shows to escape the burnout of our old political gigs and promptly talk about Jeff Dunham's politics for an hour

Then we got down to business by bouncing between an interview where Jeff talks about how comedians shouldn't take sides and Achmed talking to both Joe Biden and Wonald Grump

Next week you will get Guys+ and Everything Beast!

Join Me and Chris on twitch.tv/murderxbryan on sunday nights at 8 EST




I could go for a March Madness episode of Shocktober

Zane 🇧🇪

Jeff Dunham is only funny if you have a burning hatred of Muslims & no sense of humour