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ok soo, looking at the poll i posted, turns out i was working on a character desgin i'd been thinking about for alittle while, she just happed to fit into the two winning votes atm XD

lucky brake i guess hahah
so yeh, i had this desgin idea for a gothic foxgirl doll, but. really unsure what to do with her tbh, would you wanna see her finished in a pinup and or mybe a mini comic of her transformation, or a situation with anthour doll ect etc

just throwing ideas out there really XD 




She’s lookin lovely! I’d honestly be interested in seein her in either a transformation thing or a pinup

Jack Max

Put her with another doll. She looks so serene and calm. Beautiful.


She looks so pretty, I would absolutely love to see anything more of her~


Looks very pretty! :) pinup would be sweet, hope to see more of her!


Comic for sure!! Love your comics


Very nice,and fortunate!!!!