Cyber mistress (comic sketch) (Patreon)
ok girls, been working on this for a week or so now, its a biggggg one!
no text yet im gonna add that as i go.
basic plot is, AI becomes sentiant and takes over facility, wants control, you know Basic Evil AI plot.
but instated of taking over the world it wants to take over humans and make them "perfect" in its own twisted way and by force!
soilder is sent into the facilty to deactive the AI but it dosent take that long before hes captured and forcefull undergose Cybernetic implantation, this cybernetic addition interfaces with his spine and central nervouse system, allowing direct control.
this cyber spine after being fused to him then incases him in a liquid latex that morphs and changes his body and undergose a full feminiaztion/transformation.
the AI molding his body into the AI's idea of perfection, a suitible body for it to inhabit.
once ready, the Ai transfers its mind into the unwilling subject, and the transformation and birth of a new, Cyber Mistress is born, in a new body to be able to interract with the world on a more intimate scale, and ready to start exsperimenting on more humans.
ok, plot summery XD hope you like it, would love to hear your feed back on this idea,
and 11 pages! its gonna be a though one XD