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hey dolls,

soo, I know alot of you really like my Older dolls, "Amy", "Sabrina" etc etc

but every time I see them, I know my skillrange and style has improved and these older desgins, dont really fit in or live up to my newer dolls.

So I wanted to test out if I could update an older doll into a better but still reminicant version of themselfs. changeing things here and there, adding/removeing this and that, untill I landed on something I though was good enough.

and, well. this is what I have come up with for "Sabrina" a newer updated version of the old her. would LOVE to know what you think about this, and the idea of updateing the older dolls to give them some new life etc 




Love it! Hope we get to see the fully finished version soon. :)


New version is stunning :) I'd only rework your favorite oldies.