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(Disclamier: this only affects twitch, all over plantforms i post to will NOT change)

hey dolls,

soo.... I've been made awhere that, in recant updates to twitchs TOS some aspects of my content are no longer allowed to be shown on there platform. namely Bulges and suggestive content, basicaly.

so going forwards, only dureing twitch streams i wont be drawing bluges, and makeing any doll characters i work on full fem, only for stream. I will still be makeing TG dolls however, this wont be changieng and will still be shared on all soical media's.

it sucks, I know. but we have to play by twitchs rules despite any discagreements I may have with there rules.

Speeking to twitch changes, Im also going to be "rebranding" on twitch only
from: "JesscaTGArt" to "JesscaVT" Renameing my Vtuber from "Mara" to "Jessca" also to help provent confsion.

I will still be working on my normal TG content while i stream, but will just have two versions, one none TG that i can show on stream and the other TG that i can post on soical media's.

But i also wanted to see if you dolls wanted more fun streams and less of me just working on content?

so more Suggestions streams where the views give ideas and suggestions, then vote on which we make.

and patreon OC redesgins etc.

I think it oculd be fun to make the fun streams our normal streams and make the content streams to when i have ideas/characters you girls really wanna see me work one etc.

this is just an idea. its really all about what you girls want more of.

Also any other ideas you have for streams I'd love to hear them!


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