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I Final got around to finishing the second page of nurse comic!
sorry it took soo long, i haven't forgotten about it, just had alot of other projects come up that i wanted to work on.

the first two pages of this comic are alittle boreing so sorry about that, the next pages, we get to the fun stuff!

also, if there are grammer and spelling mistake's "as im sure there are many" if you'd be so kind as to put the corrections in the comments insted of just of just pointing out there are errors, it helps alot more :)





It’s not boring at all! It’s all anticipation on this page. :)

Morris Cox

It's spelled patient.


Wait for next page (hype) :D


Lovely page! 💛Its not that boring! Just setting the scene for the best fun stuff!! 😊 some spelling corrections❤🧡 "regret", "pleasing", "scalpel"


I love it! Can't wait for the rest of it to come out!! Some other spelling corrections is in the first speech bubble I think it's 'prepped' 😊 keep up the amazing work ❤️


Excited to see part 3