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hey dolls.

soo working on a new nurse project as i mentioned in the last post
this cutie on the left is the resultes from some nurse ideas for said project "will talk more on this project soon!"

but i had a question for you, some of my old dolls i really dislike and dont use, like nurse "rin" on the right, so mybe I could use this new doll as like, and update version of the old doll/ retcon/rework/update etc etc.

the old nurse is really outdated and dosent fit into the new nurse desgins at all
but yeh wanted to see what you dolls think to this little idea



im glad you do, sadly i dont share the same sentimate, i really dislike this old "rin" desgin, and it really dosen't fit the new nurses we have now XD It's very likly i wont use/draw her agin, this is why im considering just makeing the new nurse a redesgin for "rin" etc :)


You could always just sell Rin off “In canon”. She is a product after all ;) That will make way for new nurse


keep her and make new nurse.


I feel the new just being a new nurse fits. Perhaps a comic of her being replaced and leaving her to a dark fate. The toy box XD


Aw, she's not shit. Don't be so hard on yourself.


I really like the new cutie nurse on the left! Love her hair 🥰😊❤💗 I think its a good idea to make the new nurse a redesign for "Rin" 💙🧡


The ‘old shit nurse’ still looks good to me! :)

Angry Nerd Bird

Original design is still very good. Keep her!