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Poll is just to see which idea you like most, not which i will do next.
ok dolls, so i know im still working on the next dungeon comic, but I like to plan way way ahead if i can, and I've had some ideas for new handmaidens for awhile now.

so here i did some very rough sketches of the ideas i had "note these are not final designs, we will work on there designs together at a later date".

PLEASE read for details on each handmaiden idea! 

A: "a" is a sex crazed dragoness, once a noble knight famed for there many dragon kills, due to the mistress's corrupting magic he was transformed into a human version of everything he hated.

now driven by lust and craving sex like a madness it consumes there mind and all higher thoughts are suppressed, untill they achieve release, they must be restrained for the other prisoners safety, and are often used as a punishment for other, as due to her new found strength she may "break" the odd bone or two in her maddend state. 

once back in control the former knight is filled with shame for what they have done/become.

B "b" was a blood mage before they where transformed by the mistress. due to there allready strained mind, during the corrupting transformation, there mind snapped! and they became "volatile".

In her new form she still uses blood magic to capture people, suspending them in magical chains and bringing them back to her lair, they are suspended in the air by chains and fitted with mask covering there heads completey, and left for days and weeks, only removed and unchained when she comes to play.

 shes constantly adding to her "collection" of "dolls" so she always has dolls to play with, how ever she sees' fit.

but should she get board or there captive refuse to corporate it won't end well for them... her dolls don't tend to last long in her lair.... 


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