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so once i finish this Doll comic, i'm taking a day to recharge as it has drained me hahah.

but after that, other than commission work, I'm not sure what to do next.

I have one or two ideas for more "dollhouse dolls."
but at the same time i have a few more ideas for "the dungeon"
namely anthour handmaiden or two, and some prisoners etc etc.

just looking to see which you girls would rather see more of, not necessarily going to stick to one or the other.

if you have any other ideas or things you'd like to see or think i should do let me know in the comments :) 



Why not D for - D** i mean NSFW art🤣


D for innocent kisses and a mouth full of fun


I wouldn't mind seeing the end of that maid Doll you started a while ago. The one with Riley and Lea unboxing and dressing May


I "did" have a rough page for the next part of that where they get "May" dressed in her uniform, ready to start her new life as a maid, but a while ago my tablet died on me and i lost Sooooooo many files that one included, i didn't have back up's and i couldn't recover the files soo... i'm taking me time on the "Maid manor" I don't want to rush it as I'd really like that series to be good and planned out, don't worry though it will continue at some point, at some point i'll get really into the "maid manor" then back to the "Dollhouse, then after that's something eles and so on until i'm back at the "mand manor" agin haha :)


Both? Dungeoneering Dolls? :D


Sabrina and Amy or bust 😤😤. Jk, I love both series too much to choose one or the other


still trying to figure out what to do next with those two, dont wanna do "another" comic just yet, so trying to think of ideas. what could they do together, poses etc etc