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(here we see a potential escapee of the dungeon, i'm sure she's about to regret leaving her prison) 

sometimes, victims of the mistress "rarely" manage to escape there prisons.
most the time they are rounded up and punished by "the mistress" or one of her handmaidens.

some handmaiden have in the past let there prisoners escape, only to lure them into traps of far worse nature, or they have stumbled into places of the dungeon they would rather not be and suffered the consequences.

only a hand full of prisoners have ever managed to truly escape the game mistress,

there whereabouts unknown...




really like the armor/lipstick combination :). And this big breasts fitting to the girl and situation. (Which knight wants big breasts? they are not practical if you want to fight. So its perfect for a "forced" girl) <3


Gosh... I know a paladin who's just aching to look like this!


thank you! i used the other character desgin idea i had for her. instead of trying to come up with something new. yeh i though the same thing!


speaking of pallys i need to start designing one with your guys haha seeing as they won the last poll