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so i really liked the sketch design for the other prisoner after the latex nun.
so at some point i will illustrate her too, but i had an idea for something little different but still in the dungeon.

mybe they are being lead to believe they have escaped but it was a trap all along and now they have a more "extreme" punishment to deal with?

just an idea i'd love you thoughs and ideas/ feedback on.

I am toying with the idea of expanding the dungeon alittle... "mybe" even having a world outside the dungeon?? 




that’s a uhh.. great idea😳


So you thinking of a multi-level dungeon.


"multi-level" kinda yeh, more a very large structure with endless possibilities. but then agin, if i do make and "outside" world I'd have to real it in a little and make it alittle more restricted mybe


In D&D they have demi planes that don’t need to obey the laws of physics. Maybe there’s a “safe” level of the dungeon that look like it’s more less outside. In reality the Mistress just let people think they’ve escaped there but she could take them back anytime she wants.

Angry Nerd Bird

One idea comes to mind. A group of three girls are escaping the dungeon. Before they leave, one of the girls reveals that she's actually really a monster in disguise. She mmediately ensnares the other two and makes them her playthings before she returns them to their rooms. I'm not 100% sure about what monster she would be. Perhaps a goo girl, who immediately grabs them both with gooey tentacles?


oooooow! thats such a cool idea yeh. or if we are keeping it to just the dungeon, there could be a safe hub to the dungeon, where escapes go to and stay, mybe the come and go allways trying to find a way out and undo whats been done to them etc


that's also not a bad idea at all yes! though "slime/goo" is a hard substance to draw convincingly, so i may need to do some practicing first :)