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hey Dolls,

so most of you on discord should be aware but on sunday my health took a turn and i ended up in hospital, for a overnight stay, I'd rather not state the reason why.

I can tell you that i'm ok, and its nothing major, and it wont effect my art, as of right now I've just been discharged and am recovering at home.

Over the next two weeks i have a lot of tests and checkups. appointments etc as well as a big mentel shock and burden to adjust to things after my Diagnosis.

its for this reason I've taken a weeks sick leave from IRL work and i'm gonna be slowing down the art, not stopping completely just taking to to adjust to my new situation.

I'll still be making art, as i love it and you dolls, "just easing off the gas" for a week or so.

normal art flow will resume by November 



due whatever you need to get back in good health we can wait


Alrighty. Just take care of yourself, ok? 🥺😔💖💖


Yeah, just gonna into hospital today myself. it sucks.


I hope for your swift recovery, Jess!


Take whatever time you need Jess. And hopefully you get better soon.

Todd Staton

People are willing to wait, cant replace a person. Take care, love!


Don't push yourself too much, ok? I hope you feel better soon!


Take care...


Take your Time!


Take all the time you need! Don't worry about us, we're not going anywhere 👅 Just take care of yourself, hon' 😊❤


thank you all so much for being so understanding! <3