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so you guys love the frilly outfits dont you ;P  well i cant decide, i also like E but i allso like D, so im a narrow it down alittle, and allso did some alt version with parts from both.

if i had to pick one... I'd go with "E2" I want it to look like a uniform more than sexy outfit, but at the same time it needs to be somewhat alluring.  after this we'll pick the colours for these uniforms, and then this dolls hair.



I'm going with E2 too! For the same reasons you're mentioning 😜 I just think a uniform should cover the body a little more, so that's why! But all the designs are great to be honest 😊 P.S. Btw, any news about the Maid Manor? It's been a while 👅


agreed, and thank you hun. as for the maids, theres not alot new there atm, i work weirdly, i go though periods of interest and motivation, so one month i'm all in on maids, the next i work on other ideas. atm i'm not in the right frame of mind for maid work, but as soon as i get that mojo back you dolls will be the first to see it and anything about it :)