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Its been awhile... agin XD

same as normal dolls, and you new dolls that dont know, basicaly:

would love to hear your ideas and suggestions for what you dolls would like to see next, can be anything, new themes to exspolre, something to do with exciting dolls, etc etc

just a few things to note:

1. These are not commission slots, so please dont suggest your own OC's/RP Dolls.
2. you may include ideas/things you like to see with/happen with pre exsisting dolls of mine (RP Dolls not included)

3. Please do not spam the same idea repeatedly

you can post your ideas here, on in the discord under "patreon-suggestions-room".

I'll be taking a look at each throughout the months to see if there are Idea's i could bring to life! inbetween commissions and patreon projects (if i have time!)




oooo ... or ... or ... the CYOA story from the server >.>


ooo what if we had a researcher doll that was one of the prototype dolls? maybe she was willingly converted for a prototype chastity or chest fitting?