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Hey guys. Please leave a comment below if you're interested. I'll be picking someone randomly by Friday. 



Crying in the UK 😂😭


Crying in Virginia


I’m desperateeee interested in that ticket!!!!!


DT lets go lets go!!!💜💜


Love from France 🥲💛


I would LOVE to be gifted the ticket. I could FINALLY see the boys AND my brother, Sissy and my nieces as well. I haven't seen them (BTS or my bro & his fam since this pandemic started!)Two birds, lol.


Yes!!!! Dying to go 💜💜💜


Like you want someone to go with you? I could be decent company xD

Kanisha James

If i lived in the states i would love to have your ticket but sadly i'm all the way in Canada


Of course I’m interested!


WOW.. Thank you for being so generous and giving all of us a chance to attend the concert. It would be such a great time to see the boy in person. Wish me good luck DT!!!

Lupe Naranjo

Omfg please 🙏🏼 I tried so hard to get tickets but it was impossible. I’d love to be there and see how happy the tannies get seeing army again in person 💕


Hiya DT, I don't want the tickets since I live in Hawaii. Just wanted to stop by and show some love!!! Aloha!! From RACHEL808!!

Heather Jones

So totally interested! Where I live in the US, they’ll never come here and one of the items on my bucket list is to see BTS in concert! Thank you for the opportunity. Also, I’m legal and would love to buy you a drink!! Lol

Zarina Ceniza

Hey DT! I would love to give this to my friend! They were pretty bummed about not being able to get a ticket :( Promised that I’d FaceTime them at the concert, but this would be the best surprise!


Hi DT, I tried to get a ticket but did not get one. I am from Cambodia by the way


I, together with my family will be at 122. I will look towards your direction to hopefully, spot you. I hope to get the chance to say Hi!


Please take me🙏🙏🙏🙏💜


Broooooo I’m too down 😭 I’m like 30 min away from 30-45 min away from SoFi?!?


I would give my left lung and right kidney to go!


Hi DT, I live less than an hour away from SOFI stadium. My daughter and niece will be there on the 27th. I don’t need a ticket. I just want to wish all of you, a safe, fun and amazing experience. I went to SOFI before. It is a grand and beautiful venue. The area around it kinda sketchy so just be careful if you are walking around the area. My daughter told me, if she sees you at the concert, she will mention that her mom is a fan of your BTS reaction!


Yes, I am interested:-))))


Hi DT, I’m in France and I would definitely take a plane and go to the concert if I win !!!!


Hi DT, very interested here from Toronto.


I would love to see our boys live!


i wish i could go..


oh! I would love to go... 🙏🙏

Renea Tidwell

Im interested. And not just in seeing our boys live either


I cant IN person cos I live in Australia but since I became an ARMY 6 yrs ago have wanted to see the boys live


Yes DT, this is Kayl Le please let me know the cost and I want something close to the stage if you have them. Please pick me lol. Thanks.


I’m going to the concert. I’m in the nosebleed section, but I think any seat is a good seat. Just became Army in September. So excited.


all the best to the random winner! :) the newly opened (vaccinated travel lane) from Singapore to US is still too expensive. haha - i'd rather travel nearer like bangkok or bali. ;)


Hi DT, I’m interested in the concert ticket. Thank u 💜


Hi DT!!! I am interested as well. Good luck everyone!!!💜💜💜💜


Pick me! Pick me! 🙋🏻‍♀️ Would love to go! Thanks for the opportunity.


Hi I am very interested!!! Thank you!


Hello, Please, I surprised my group with tickets for Sunday --- but my daughter found out she has a Tulsa College volleyball practice and she can't miss because she starts. We have our plane tickets and everything for the weekend, so you can imagine she is devastated. But if we had tickets for Saturday, she could still go see them. (I could just change her flight). I was going to pay for more---but we just can't afford two sets for all 3 of us. Please consider us and my dedicated girl. --- Mama Brown, Rachel and Marlee (joymbrown0724@gmail.com)


p.s. -- I understand about the hair -- I am creole from Louisiana. And my cousin Jojuana is Black and Filipino. She is a reporter at KALB in Alexandria, La.


I would love to go but I cant. I'm so happy for you! Enjoy the concert! Love from Russia! 💜


I would love to, but cant i am in the UK. Enjoy the concert I am lucky enough to have seen them twice in London, they are awesome, best concerts I have ever been to and I am 55.


Omgosh it be AMAZING but unfortunately I'm in the UK hope whoever gets picked and urself HAVE an amazing time!! 💜💜💜💜

Bunny Hipps

Here is my comment: Pick MEEEEEE! Make an old woman happy! I would love to see BTS in person!


Hey. Really hope to get picked. That’d be awesome


I wish i could go to see my Jimin again T.T but i'm in Vietnam. Btw, goodluck to everyone. Enjoy the concert!

Angelique Lindig

Its my life dream to go to a bts concert but i am from germany its far away


🙋🏻‍♀️🙋🏻‍♀️🙋🏻‍♀️ would love to get that ticket. But I live in Germany so I would need to buy a flight ticket and book a hotel room but that would be fine. I would do anything to go on my first BTS concert. Unfortunately I couldn't buy a ticket myself because of that error on the Ticketmaster page. So I would be the happiest if you would choose me 🤞😊🤞


Heartbroken here in rainy uk


On East coast. What kind of seating is this? 😇


This is so kind of you.


Good Luck to those of you entering the giveaway! 💜


Since im form the Philippines im not expecting but to whoever you pick, i hope you have a great experience. Give a lot of love for the boys 💜💜💜


Hey DT! I’m so happy you’re getting such a great ticket! I wanted to go to this concert so much! It’s the original 7 and who knows when that will come again!


I’m definitely interested in acquiring this ticket!


Thank you so much for your generosity in offering this to us…truly a beautiful thing to do💜💜

Elizabeth McElveen

I mean…if you’re willing to pay for a flight ticket and hotel room lol jk I live in Texas that wouldn’t happen


Good luck everyone!


I'd literally die if I get picked


Well since i am from Germany i cant go :(


I’m definitely interested so I’ll take my chance here


I can’t because i am from France :(

AR Escoe

So kind of you. It would be amazing to enjoy a BTS concert with a super-fan! Make sure to document the experience but not so much that you don’t enjoy yourself.


Pick me🙏🙏 I’d absolutely be worth traveling from Denmark to LA for

Dalmi Rojas

Pick me please!!! I really want to go! thank you so much for the opportunity though, this means a lot to us, we all love BTS whoever gets the ticket will be really lucky! Lots of love for everyone!


I am interested.


Good Everyone and Congrats to the Lucky one🍀🤞🍀🤞🍀🤞🍀🤞🍀


so sweet DT. good luck to everyone


Hi DT, I was a MOTS ticket holder and it broke my heart when I was unable to get a ticket this time. I would be so grateful if you chose me 💜 I live in Ohio and I would definitely be able to fly out to Cali if given the opportunity.


Please pick me if you still have the ticket. I already booked my hotel and everything now I just need to get a ticket. My fan presale failed and got scam by Ticket master. I didn’t get any ticket that night after waiting for over 3 hrs, 1 hr in queue another 1 to trying buy your ticket before it’s gone. Total between 5-6 intense hrs that night like my life depends on it. 😞


This is Kayl Le, DT Please let me know if you will pick me, I am always a big supporter of yours and you know that. I just found out it is free, even you charge me some money I will be okay with it. Please pick me I am desperate to see them before one of them going to enlisted. Thanks.


good luck to everyone!

Jody Unapologetically Me Weston

Noooooo.....i don't arrive until Nov 30!! SMH 😔😔 but not gonna lie.... If you pick me I'll find a way to get there!!!🤣🤣 Trust and believe!!! Good luck everyone 💜


Hi I’m interested. Love yours content and reactions.


So did you pick someone? Are you going to announce it or did you just DM the person? 🤔