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Hey guys. I'm going to talk about this more during my Live Stream, but I wanted to hear your thoughts about it first. What do you guys think about this? 


Bang PD, the Man Behind BTS, Steps Down as CEO

Bang Si-Hyuk (Bang PD) is stepping down from his role as CEO of HYBE, the company which launched K-pop juggernaut BTS, as part of the company's leadership reconstruction plan so he can focus on his music production career.



I'm proud of him. He made sure everything was handled before he stepped down so he knew Big Hit and his artist would be safe. Plus he's still the chairman. He's just now doing what he loves. I love that for him.

Drianne Gray

Well from what I read he steps down to focus more on producing, which is what he does in the beginning (hence the PD) so


He just resigned from Hybe but he separated Bh from hybe before (just the actions, by the way. Not the company). But he will still be on the board and making decisions there. Not big deal


He’s still the chairman of hybe so not much will change. No need to worry. He’s also a producer before he became a ceo for bighit so now he wants to concentrate on producing music while still being the chairman of hybe. He is also the biggest shareholder of hybe so stilll the big man of hybe! Again no need to worry, he just wanted to go back to his passion which is producing music. We might also start to see his name in bts tracks more as a producer 👌🏻


From what I'd seen it might be a good thing in general as he will have more time to focus on music and that side of the business. With how big the company has become I can't imagine he's had a lot of time to devote to anything but the big business decisions for the last year or two especially. Also because there have been some very big moves in the last year and a half (acquisition of other labels, joint ventures and the apps) the new lead was also involved in those decisions based on what his previous role was so hopefully they have a similar vision for the company. Depending on how many shares Bang has I would assume he still has a lot of control if he wanted to weigh in on something but that is a very big assumption. So basically, hopefully it'll be good and give him more time to devote to the music part of the company.


Exactly he is still the chairman of hybe. So he will always be involved with the big decisions of the company and it’s artists.


No big deal. The new ceo has been the hq ceo for quite some time. Bang is still chairman. He waited until the company was what he wanted it to be, got it to where he was comfortable taking a back seat. He’s a producer, his passion is music and I’m glad he’s able to take a step back and focus on what got him into the business in the first place. He compiled the whole board, controls the whole board and still, nothing will be done without his approval so Hybe is still in great hands. The whole company is untouchable, he really made a name for himself. As we all know the growing success of the company has been spearheaded by BTS, and they ARE the reason this company has come so far, but he is a great businessmen and you know the boys have a lot of love for him.


Bang PD said he will now focus more in making music ☺️👏🏻 He only resigned from Hybe CEO position but he's still the major shareholder of Hybe and the Chairman of the Board of Directors. He still has a say in company and groups decisions 🙆🏻‍♀️ It's a big thing in corporate world about separating the CEO and Chairman roles. With how big HYBE is now, this might be a smart decision to all.


Before he was the chairman and ceo. Now he's still the chairman but he appointed his "HQ CEO" to be CEO and he will focus on producing which we know is his true passion. No need to worry he still has the last say on company's decisions and etc


No big deal at all, saying he "stepped down" like that may make it dramatic but he is still in charge, he is now the chairman, even if someone else is CEO he still has a big say if something happens that he doesnt like, now he will focus on producing more, which is great considering the amazing work he has done with early BTS...


not a big deal at all. he’s a smart man and made sure bighit music was private (not public like hybe) so bts and txt are untouchable. i’m actually excited that he’s focusing on production more because the man is a genius! all of his songs he’s produced for bts have been bops. he’s also still the chairman of hybe so i don’t think theres any reason anything would change


Not a big deal, he is a shrew business man. He still owns controlling shares and he made BH private so it’s not subject to the whims of investors. It will be exciting to see what happens next with the boys and Hitman Bang in terms of music.

DeJané (DJ)

Not a big deal. Signed over one title but kept another and is still a major shareholder in the company so his opinions will still be well heard. He’s a smart man. I’m sure he planned this very well before making this decision.

Dierra Harris

I don't think it's a big deal he still chairman so he still has a say over everything that happens within the company I think it's actually very nice that he wants to go back to producing music which is probably what he loves the most so I'm happy for him


Not a big deal, he’s a producer at heart so i think he’s just stepped away from a lot of the business aspects of the company to focus on music. I mean, he’s rich, so eh 🤷🏾‍♀️ rich people do what they want 😂


Not a big deal I'm my opinion, he is still chairman of hybe and ceo of bighit music... So basically we will be able to get more music from bang... And Bangerz....


Bang Si-Hyuk is a genius! There is no doubt in my mind that he thought all this out a long time ago. Nothing that has happened with BigHit and Hybe recently has been by accident or pure luck. You have to know Bang's background to understand that he does nothing by accident, nor has he been forced to make any business ventures he didn't want to make throughout his illustrious career. Bang started out partnering with Park Jin-young in JYP in the 90's and became known as Hitman Bang because of his music composing and production talents. He & JYP are responsible for some of the most well-known hits of the early K-pop days. Bang put his reputation on the line to leave his lucrative partnership in JYP in 2005 to start BigHit Entertainment. He had a vision of healing through music, and even bigger dreams of creating a future healing/healthy lifestyle conglomerate once his music company became lucrative. Bang's genius has been fully realized in how he brought together BTS. He hand selected Namjoon, making him the first member and leader of BTS before searching for the remaining members. He also switched the group's musical focus from Hiphop to a more open concept, allowing for a diversity in sound that Army have loved. He has also played a large role in the writing and producing of many hits for BTS over the years, and continues to do so. One of Bang Si-hyuk's biggest strengths is recognizing talent in others. He has put the right people in place to ensure that Hybe will continue to flourish, allowing himself to continue doing what he loves to do as a composer and producer in BigHit. He is the largest shareholder in Hybe, and is still maintaining some control over the company by keeping his title as the chairman. The newly appointed CEOs have the expertise to fulfill their roles beautifully. Stepping down as CEO was a brilliant and necessary move for the future success of the company. For those who don't know, Bang is the only billionaire in the SK entertainment industry and he is also the 6th wealthiest person in his home country. Again, Bang Si-hyuk is pure genius!


I think it’s a smart move on his part. He is level headed and humble enough to know when to leave the leadership to someone who can manage professionally something as big as what has become HYBE. He will continue to do what he is best at i.e. music producer without totally leaving the company management.


I'm actually pretty impressed. The fact that he did that at the height of HYBE growth means he's genuine about his love for music more than his love of money (I know he's already like a bilionaire but still, the fact that he wants to let go of the boss position makes me feel like he's there for the right reason and probably a big part of why BTS has succeeded so well)


Goes to show where his heart truly belongs, music. Now he has more time to do that and make meals with the boys. So it’s a win regardless.


I find it a good move. It must have been really hard on him producing music and managing hybe as the CEO. I'm really glad he wants to concentrate on music because like others said it really shows his passion and that he still is in for the music and not for the money which is super rare and wonderful to see. Also he is still Chairman of Hybe so he still has the overall say what goes on in the company^^ He just gets to relax more (finally after all those years he worked incredibly hard alongside the boys). I heard a good anology today: He is basically in the back seat and tells the driver where to drive/what to do but doesn't drive himself :) so yeah I find it great and he deserves some rest to be honest :D


If the new CEO won’t cook a dinner for them, go hang out with them or call them for getting #1 on hot100 to shower them with compliments then it must be a heartache 🥺


Hi is still chairman just stepping down as CEO. He is pursuing his passion of producing and I think it's awesome. He is extremely talented. He is not going anywhere. 💜


Nothing to worry about, in fact, it's good news. 💜


I think this is good news. Bang PD wants to concentrate more on the music side and write more songs. Also the new CEO is more experienced from what I heard. Bang PD probably wants to have more fun now. He got the company to where it’s at and he deserves to just take it easy and enjoy life.


I think Bang PD is very self-aware and he's moving into the area of the company that is his strength. His strong point is in finding and nurturing talent, as well as producing and composing music. Also, I think with I-Land and Enhyphen, he was showing us the path he wants to take. He's leaving the day-to-day business part of the company in capable hands and is free to pursue what makes him happiest. I think great things are going to come out of this restructuring and shuffling of personnel.


i doubt it will affect the boys much, since he’s still chairman and he just doesn’t deal with day to day operations anymore. he’s produced some of the boys’ best songs so if he does focus more on music i don’t see how it could be a bad thing.


What i think is if it's what he wants to do.. explore a side of himself he hasn't been able to do so much recenlty being CEO and appointing someone he trusts to run the company the way he would and better in the future is totally up to him... still I think he'll be in the groups he created's life even more now than he was before i.e. BTS, TxT, Enhyphen.. and to me when the boys are ready to do so I think the BTS members will become mentors next to not only the groups within thier company but to others as well when they get tired of performing or when performing becomes to much for them... they may like that side of idol life as well what with how i'm sure they help the other members of their company progress and grow... this is just my train of thought for the future...


Mr. Bang knows what he is doing. He's still Chairman and he made sure Big Hit Music and BTS are a separate entity so they still have control. Bang PD wants to do just that, produce. I'm sure he left Hybe in good hands or he wouldn't have handed his dream, his brain child over to him. As Joon once said, we need to trust them. They know what they are doing.💜


I agree! Bang PD is the brainchild behind everything. He's a pure genius of such epic proportions, people have no idea. By passing the CEO reigns over but remaining the chairman, he's free to continue developing and influencing his artists in BigHit, which is is baby. Bang started out as a music producer in JYP in the 90s before branching out on his own with BigHit in 2005. He's planned it all out and can now get back to what he's good at and allow Hybe to become a global lifestyle brand in the very capable hands of the new CEOs.


Bang PD is continuing to work at BigHit. That's his company. The new CEOs are going to run Hybe. Bang's not going anywhere. He's just freed up his schedule so that he can focus on developing his artists, as well as write and produce music at BigHit.


Exactly 💯! Bang didn't start & grow his company for all these years to just suddenly step down and not be a part of the future direction of things. He's partnered with some excellent people along the way. His new CEOs will be working and consulting with Bang since he is still the chairman. To give you a other analogy, Bang Si-hyuk is the neck that controls the head of the company 😁 Now he has the time to get back into the music composing and production side if things at BigHit, and also help develop his artists, which is where his true passion lies.


I am betting money that he's already been writing more hits for BTS & also TXT. I can't wait to see what he helps produce in the near future. So excited!.


He has over 30% shares in the company and the largest stake, so his voice will be heard if he really wants to weigh in on some future decisions at Hybe. Brilliant business and personal move for Bang PD!