Favorite Wallpaper?
- HR-80(?)N (Bon-Bon) 10
- Melissa 1
- Suzuka 0
- Odenise 0
- Nell+Minako 5
- Misa+Baroness 4
- Celeste 2
- Rosa 0
- Rayja 1
- Torhild 3
- Salesgirl Rainier 11
- Celina 1
So, I had a bit of a weird idea. We don't really have the free time or resources to give christmas gifts to you patrons, but I was thinking that you could help us give something to the fans that can't afford the wallpaper tier! So I'll put a poll down below, asking which of the 12 wallpapers we released this year you'd like me and Aku to post up on the DA page as a free one! The others will remain locked behind the patreon wall, so you'll still have plenty of exclusives, but you'll also get to feel good about giving one of them away! Please, vote in this poll before Christmas if you can, and don't tell anyone!