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After 5 years without a break it's been hard to keep up the inspiration and pace, I really need some time to rest and organize myself. Sorry for the sudden warning, I took this decision out of dire necessity. 

That's pretty awesome to see that it's been 5 years since I started creating content and that I've managed to establish myself with my art, I'm deeply grateful to each one of you who support me to keep working ❤

There will be no new content this month, probably returning to work after February 9. I know that many will want to support no matter how much content I do, however I fully understand that some prefer to cancel the subscription. There is no problem with that, please feel free to continue or unsubscribe during this time.

For those who remain subscribed and for new members, I will be sending complete packs of the content already produced, with variations according to tier:

Bronze Tier:

★ All content made between November 2017 to June 2018 

(High Res - PSDs not included)

Silver Tier:

★ All content made between November 2017 to June 2018 

PSDs included

Gold Tier:

★ All content made between November 2017 to June 2018 

★ PSDs included

+  An Extra Monthly Pack of your choice*

* Check the options for choice here: patreon.com/posts/20596865


The content will be sent on February 5th to all who remain subscribed and for new pledges made until January 31st. 

That's all guys, thank you so much for all the support and comprehension 🙇‍♂️



Fernando Carmona jr

It never hurts to take a vacation break, dude. You worked hard making awesome content, you deserve a vacation, enjoy it 👍


Absolutely no problem with me. You take as long as you need to Sano. Your well being is more important. I'll wait as long as it takes. I hope you're going well and you feel better with this break. Enjoy yourself and we will wait patiently for you. There is no rush. Thank you for taking care of yourself. ❤️👍


Don't worry, take your time and rest very well. You have made a lot of effort in recent months and you deserve some time for yourself.


boas ferias!


You deserve the rest for the content you've been doing for years, it never hurts to take a vacation please take your time and rest well


You deserve it, we look forward to your return with more strength and freshness than ever.


Get your rest, we'll be here when you are ready to draw again.


Enjoy your break!! You totally deserve it after all the amazing art you've made over the many years!!


You deserve it. Thank you for giving us your great art work. Stay safe.


We all need a break, especially in these time. Rest well.


You've earned a good break and I'm looking forward to sets that I've missed


5 años se dice facil pero la verdad tu arduo trabajo ha sido del agrado de muchos eres uno de mis artistas favoritos y durante el tiempo que te seguido no me arrepiento descansa amigo cuida tu salud y la de tus familiares que despues de habernos hecho felices a todos mereces un descanso Sano te estaremos esperando Campeon hasta que vuelvas con mejores trabajos que estoy seguro seran geniales


rest well bro


<p style="color: #008600;">To be honest, I'm happy for you. You should take your well-deserved break and get some good rest!</p>


Take it easy bro❤️


I hope you'll feel better and well rested in your break, take care sano

Alfonso Diaz

Se ve que has tenido un arduo trabajo realizando tu arte y es muy bueno q te tomes tales vacaciones.... Seguiremos aquí esperando tu regreso.... Mucha suerte y descansa bien


No problem. After doing this much, you deserve more than JUST a month long break. You've earnt it.


Take as much time as you need. You have done a great job during these five years! Have a good time!


Heya! I’m a new patreon. And I’m a little confused on how this works?


It depends on each creator individually, they have a list for what you get for supporting them (mug,shirt,illustrations, hentai files etc).. In this case you get a package of stuff (images) each month but last month he didn’t do any so he will add this month and send extra to people who have kept subscribing since last month.