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My PC is not dead, but I will have to replace some parts. 

The ideal would be to buy a new PC but everything is very expensive and difficult to find due to the pandemic.

I will use the same PC for a few more months and when the situation improves I will buy a better and more powerful PC.

As the store did not have these parts, I will have to wait 7 working days for them arrive and do the replacement and tests.



Draven Shadow

Ugh. So sorry to hear that friend. Let's hope your parts get there faster and things improve sooner so we can all life return to a more "normal" place. 🤞


Total bummer, man. Still hoping life returns to normal for all of us at some point in the relatively near future, but it's looking like it's gonna be a while. Hang in there.


What game do you like most?


Damn that sucks, Will you make a poll for your next packs during the downtime or do you have stuff planned already ?


While you wait, how about you do a survey to see what drawings to make? Or have you dedided what to do?


Whats the update, and/or ETA?!