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Greetings everyone! 

I’ve made some adjustments in the way rewards work, these changes are valid for all users, but do not worry for they will not affect your access to the main content.

The changes are active, the delivery of June content will be following these changes.
Patrons who have pledged in Silver tier before these changes will receive June's content in old reward mode.

Bronze Tier

As usual, this tier does not have access to PSD files, only the current content. The main change now is that patrons will get high resolution images, just like the other tiers.

Silver Tier

This tier will still have access to current content, including PSD files. The only change is the removal of the “Extra Pack” (Low-Res art/No PSD) that Patrons could pick at their will.

Gold Tier

This Tier keeps it’s access to the current content, including PSD files, and also the option to get a complete set from past months at your choice.

The reasons for this change

First things first, my Patreon grew beyond my wildest expectations, and i couldn’t be more grateful for the support and love you send my way. 

From the bottom of my heart, I thank you ❤

That being said, the current development happened for one reason only, and it’s so i could optimize my work hours. Unfortunately, since i needed to contact every Patron individually, the “Extra Pack” reward could take me an ungodly amount of time every month. The decision of removing such reward, and changing the way the Silver Tier works, is so that Patrons could have more options that better fit their interests (and wallets), and so that i can have more time to focus on creating and improving on my art  🙏 

Now, if you’ll allow me, here are some options: 

If you don’t particularly care about the PSD files, you can simply move to Bronze Tier. You’ll still get the same high quality pictures you’d have on Silver, but at a smaller cost. If you enjoy getting the PSD’s, you can just stay at the Silver Tier, for you’ll still receive them monthly.

If you still want the current monthly PSD’s, and would like to have access to my older content, you have two choices. First, you can upgrade to Gold Tier, in which you’ll be able to choose from any pack contained on this list (https://www.patreon.com/posts/20596865), or if you prefer, you can stay on Silver Tier and buy art packs directly from my Gumroad (https://gumroad.com/sanobr).

That’s pretty much it. I hope you guys understand that this was not a decision made lightly. I apologize for not being able to answer everyone individually, and please feel free to follow the choice that better suits you.

Once more, thank you so much for your support. You guys are the best 💕




Why did you make this change? I now lose out on half the content from what I was getting, and I don’t get anything in exchange. The Bronze Tier gets an improvement and the Silver Tier people who have been supporting you with more money than Bronze lose out on half their benefits, AND lose the exclusivity to High Res that they had over the Bronze tier. I don’t understand how this is a good move, or how it will benefit anyone but the lowest paying tier....? Please explain what I’m missing here that justifies this change?


Excellent news for people in Gold Tier to have more packs to choose from

Renan Figueiras

Então não poderei escolher um pack extra ?


Seems like a pretty weird downgrade for silver tier, now its almost better too go from silver to bronze tier


my thoughts exactly. Also the changes take place already this month or next?


What are psd files?


I don't even know the PSD file so basically my Tier is like 1$ :(


Kind of wish there were newer months to pick for gold. Once you have everything available. The extra pack is worthless


You can modify the content although it is a bit limited, of course, it depends on the pack


If I were to adjust the tiers I would make it Bronze= HD, no extra content. Silver= HD+ PSD, 1 Old content from 13+ months ago. Gold= HD + PSD, 1 Old Content from 1-12 months ago, 1 Old Content from 13+ months ago Then I would raise the price of Silver to $6, since you get 2 Bronze Tier’s worth of content. When you collect all of the previous content you get a special secret reward, like choosing a character for a month or something. So people who have been here for months and months get something super special, and the value of running out of old content doesn’t cause them to drop to Bronze.


Doing an exclusive survey per month only for the gold and silver of the characters already made, would be a good inclusion, the gold could recommend only one in the delivery of the packages and you choose the one you like the most. (contribution comment)


exactly, the older patrons are in silver because they have all the previous content that I made.

Renan Figueiras

Entendemos seu lado Sano 😭 mas infelizmente terei que trocar o tier já que o diferencial dele acabou 😞


What if we got all the previous monthly packs you made?


You can move to silver tier. This tier have the same rewards but don't have access to previous content.

Sanji's Alt

I can understand wanting to lessen your work load in contacting individual patrons. Would you consider maybe using a survey or google form, in order to get everyone's picks and who to send it to in an easier and productive fashion? I've seen a number of people use that method, it could benefit you. Up to you of course


Sem problemas, Renan. Não quero de maneira alguma afeta-os financeiramente, por isso essa mudança foi apenas no nivel Prata, pois assim vc tem opçoes de acordo com o que preferir.


If this is the case, this absolutely how to handle it. I would even volunteer in doing the work if it means the changes don’t happen.


I think it makes sense. Bronze and Silver aren't that far apart in terms of money, and the 2 dollars per month more for the PSDs in Silver rank makes perfect sense. For me that has always been the reason I chose Silver anyway; I never cared about the 1 low res pack per month.