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Hey folks, this is a update notice that the SV2 (sv2anime) DDL server has crashed and all data on it is lost. However, we have backup for its data on our FTP server which we will start restoring once new sv2 server is configured and online.  

This whole process will take approx 24 hours, i.e. episodes on sv2 server will not be available till next 24 hours.  

Furthermore, the same server also contained the Login/Auth database for the DDL Users, but we have restored the database anew but even then we need to re-create all DDL login details again. 

As such, we have started sending the new DDL login detail mails again, please check your spambox if you donot get your new login details within next 60 minutes.


We have finished sending new user login details, please message us if you did not receive them in inbox or spam or your details still not working

--Update 7-March-2021 --

The sv2 server is back online and available for download now everyone