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Hey guys,  

It has been a while since we last did a Patreon update and community communication.
Things have been kind of rough past few months with some IRL stuff that needed my attention and the fact that most of AnimeOut's core team has retired or afk to pursue their own goals and stuff.  

As such, right now sadly only I (and well RapidBot) remains active part of AnimeOut and its team. Henz and Frnzy are still updating and encoding in their own time, but yeah the team is more or less gone now. 

As such, I wanted to thank everyone who were a part of AnimeOut for the past 7-10 years and encoded so many Anime for the fans and made AnimeOut the biggest collection and archive of encoded Anime. These days we have so many people who visit us and find old or classic Anime which they cannot find anywhere, not even torrents and are just surprised to see the quality in such small size, since they never heard about Encoded Videos. So again thank you for all the people who brought AnimeOut to where it is today.

I do not know how long we will last, but I intend to continue things till the last breadth (or well you know, till we drown in deep shit like that court notice a few years ago). 

I think I will work on RapidBot a bit more to improve its AI and automate it as much as I can, specially to update the site by itself too once it has encoded episodes (as right now most of the manual work needed is just to update the episodes on the website only). 


Anyways, leaving all that stuff apart, I have added a few more rewards and goals today.  

Two of the most obvious and most anticipated goals are obviously the mobile apps for iOS and Android to stream/download our encodes directly on mobile devices.
The other one is the Smart TV App to allow TV users to install AnimeOut app directly on their TV or smart device (firestick) to stream AnimeOut content directly to their big screen TVs.  

I really hope we reach those goals soon as that will open the doorways for AnimeOut's desktop application too (windows/mac) and will allow us to ditch the website format all together, which is our weakest point as it can go down on whims of the domain registrar or server provider.  

I really want to ditch the website and make AnimeOut a native app so that we can live without fear of getting our domain killed or servers crashed or suspended and all that shit.
Native apps will also provide us much more privacy and P2P transfers (torrent like). 

But its still a far fetched dream as I expect iOS/Android apps will cost around $1500 ($750/platform) and a Desktop application will cost $2k-3k (with P2P feature) so I hope someday we reach those goals.  

Google has removed and banned 80%+ of our links in their search result, so unlike past new users cannot find us from google searches but only find us from word of mouth or their friends or social media.  

Other than that, I have added some more reward tiers too. They are much to my reservation since I did not want to add additional text/messages during videos, but we are gonna need those higher tier rewards in hope to reach the future goals.  

Again, I thank each and everyone of the donators who keep AnimeOut alive and running to this day. Without you all, we will probably close within a month.


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